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The Economics of Water


​Water Quality

This section encompasses issues of water quality and its economic effects. Studies look at dissolved oxygen, clarity, pollution, aquatic invasive species, water levels, and general information on water quality and costs.  
All articles and abstracts are in pdf format

General Water Quality

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms

Intermediate Material

The Structure of Motivation for Contingent Values:  A Case Study of Lake Water Quality Improvement
    by Philip Cooper, Gregory L. Poe, and Ian J. Bateman
Land Use Regulation in the Lake George Basin:
    An Ecological Economic Perspective 
    by Peg R. Olsen and John M. Gowdy
Exploring the Hedonic Value of Ambient Water Quality:
   A Local Watershed-based Study 
    by P. Joan Poor, Keri L. Pessagno, Robert W. Paul
The Effect of Water Quality on Rural Nonfarm Residential Property Values 
    by Donald J. Epp and K. S. Al-Ani
Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality: Evidence From Property Sales in the Mississippi Headwaters Region 
    by Charles Krysel et. al.
The Bioeconomics of Resource Rehabilitation:
   A Commercial-Sport Analysis for a Great Lakes Fishery 
    by Scott R. Milliman et. al.
Economics of Shoreland Protection

Advanced Material

A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods for Estimating Indirect Methods of Estimating Environmental Benefits
    by Michael Hanemann

Web Resources

The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project



Dissolved Oxygen 

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms
Evaluating Benefits and Costs of Changes in Water Quality 
    by Jessica Koteen, Susan J. Alexander, and John B. Loomis
Evidence of the Effects of Water Quality on Residential Land Prices 
    by Christopher G. Leggett and Nancy E. Bockstael
Randomly Drawn Opportunity Sets in a Random Utility Model of Lake Recreation 
    by George R. Parsons and Mary Jo Kealy



Introductory Material

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms
The Economic Impact of Potential Decline in New Hampshire Water Quality: The Link Between Visitor Perceptions, Usage and Spending 
    by Anne Nordstrom Ph.D.

Intermediate Material

Water Quality Affects Property Prices:
    A Case Study of Selected Maine Lakes
    by Holly J. Michael, Kevin J. Boyle, and Ropy Bouchard
Measuring the Economic Value of Water Quality 
    by Donald N. Steinnes
Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water Using Hedonic Price Analysis 
    by Notie H. Lansford Jr. and Lonnie L. Jones

Advanced Material

Estimating the Demand for Protecting Freshwater Lakes from Eutrophication
    by Kevin J. Boyle, P. Joan Poor, and Laura O. Taylor
Valuation of Lake Resources Through Hedonic Pricing 
    by Kevin J. Boyle, P. Joan Poor, and Laura O. Taylor
On the Scarcity Value of Ecosystem Services 
    by Amitrajeet A. Batabyal, James R. Kahn, and Robert V. O’Neill

Web Resources

Lake Water Quality Affects Property Values
North Temperate Lakes' Study Ties Lakefront Property Values to Water Clarity
The Economics of Lakes - Dollars and $ense
Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality: Evidence From Property Sales in the Mississippi Headwaters Region




Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms

Intermediate Material

The Effect of Distance on Willingness to Pay Values:
    A Case Study of Wetlands and Salmon in California
    by Jennifer Pate and John Loomis
Transboundary Spillovers and Decentralization of Environmental Policies 
    by Hilary Sigman
The Welfare Effects of Toxic Contamination in Freshwater Fish 
    by Mark Montgomery and Michael Needelman
The Pricing of Lake Lots 
    by Peter F. Colwell and Carolyn A. Dehring
Okoboji Experiment: Comparing Non-market Valuation Techniques in an Unusually Well-defined Market for Water Quality 
    by Ralph C. d'Arge and Jason F. Shogren

Advanced Material

A utility-consistent, combined discrete choice and count data model assessing recreational use losses due to natural resource damage
    by Jerry A. Hausman, Gregory K. Leonard, & Daniel McFadden
  • Abstract
  • A utility-consistent, combined discrete choice and count data model assessing recreational use losses due to natural resource damage
Procedures in Estimating Benefits of Water Quality Change 
    by Daniel J. Phaneuf
Markets for Water Rights under Environmental Constraints 
    by Marian L. Weber
Estimating Recreational Trout Fishing Damages in Montana's Clark Fork River Basin: Summary of a Natural Resource Damage Assessment 
    by Edward R. Morey et. al.
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Introduction for Noneconomists 
    by Christopher Dumas, Peter Schuhmann, and John Whitehead


Aquatic Invasive Species

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms

Intermediate Material

Environmental and Economic Costs Associated with Non-Indigenous Species in the United States
    by David Pimentel, Lori Lach, Rodolfo Zuniga, and Doug Morrison

Advanced Material

The Importance of Bioeconomic Feedback in Invasive Species Management
    by David Finnoff, Jason F. Shogren, Brian Leung, and David Lodge
A Revealed Preference Approach to the Measurement of Congestion in Travel Cost Models 
    by Christopher Timminsa & Jennifer Murdock

Web Resources

The Invasion of Zebra Mussels in North America
    by Katarzryna Dybowska
Invasive Species May Increase with Global Warming
Input–output modeling, outdoor recreation, and the economic impacts of weeds 
    by Mark E. Eiswerth et. al.
Economic Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species
Protect Your Waters
Preliminary Draft: The Effects of Aquatic Invasive Species on Property Values 
    by Eric J. Horsch and David J. Lewis
The Economics of Lakes - Dollars and $ense
Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality: Evidence From Property Sales in the Mississippi Headwaters Region


Water Levels

Introductory Material

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms
Public Opinion Poll Results in the Study of Select Economic Values of NH Lakes, Rivers, Streams and Ponds: Phase 3 
    by Dr. Lisa Shapiro and Heidi Kroll

Intermediate Material

Can Recreation Values for a Lake Consititute a Market for Banked Agricultural Water?
    by Elizabeth Fadali and W. Douglass Shaw
The Economic Value of Trinity River Water 
    by Aaron J. Douglas and Jonathan G. Taylor

Advanced Material

Using Actual and Contingent Behavior Data with Differing Levels of Time Aggregation to Model Recreation Demand
    by Trudy A. Cameron

Web Resources

Lake Water Quality Affects Property Values
North Temperate Lakes' Study Ties Lakefront Property Values to Water Clarity

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents