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The Economics of Water


Technique Comparison

Some studies focus on the comparison of different methods and research techniques that can be used to study the economic value of water. These studies tend to be very technical.
All articles and abstracts are in pdf format
Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms

Intermediate Material

Habit Formation and Variety Seeking in a Discrete Model Choice Model of Recreation Demand
    by W.L. Adamowicz
The Value of Water Levels in Water-Based Recreation: A Pooled Revealed Preference/Contingent Behavior Model 
    by Mark E. Eiswerth et. al.
Okoboji Experiment: Comparing Non-market Valuation Techniques in an Unusually Well-defined Market for Water Quality 
    by Ralph C. d'Arge and Jason F. Shogren
Theoretical and Empirical Specifications: Issues in Travel Cost Demand Studies 
    by Mary Jo Kealy and Richard C. Bishop
Recreational and Aesthetic Value of Water Using Hedonic Price Analysis 
    by Notie H. Lansford Jr. and Lonnie L. Jones
Economic Valuation of Freshwater Ecosystem Services in The United States: 1971-1997 
    by Matthew A. Wilson and Stephen R. Carpenter

Advanced Material

The Travel Cost Model for Lake Recreation: A Comparison of Two Methods for incorporating Site Quality and Subsititution Effects
    by Peter P. Caulkins et. al.
Environmental Quality Preference and Benefit Estimation in Multinomial Probit Models: A Simulation Approach 
    by Heng Z. Chen & Stephen R. Cosslett
Sampling and Aggregation Issues in Random Utility Model Estimation 
    by Peter M. Feather
Measurement Error in Recreation Demand Models: The Joint Estimation of Participation, Site Choice, and Site Characteristics 
    by Edward R. Morey and Donald M. Waldman
The Effect of Nesting Structure Specification on Welfare Estimation in a Random Utility Model of Recreation Demand: An Application to the Demand for Recreational Fishing 
    by A. Brett Hauber and George R. Parsons
Validation of Empirical Measures of Welfare Change: A Comparison of Nonmarket Techniques 
    by Christine Seller, John R. Stoll, and Jean-Paul Chavas
A Comparison of Direct and Indirect Methods for Estimating Indirect Methods of Estimating Environmental Benefits 
    by Michael Hanemann
Measuring the Economic Benefits of Water Quality Improvement with Benefit Transfer: An Introduction for Noneconomists 
    by Christopher Dumas, Peter Schuhmann, and John Whitehead

Web Resources

Input–output modeling, outdoor recreation, and the economic impacts of weeds
    by Mark E. Eiswerth et. al.
Preliminary Draft: The Effects of Aquatic Invasive Species on Property Values 
    by Eric J. Horsch and David J. Lewis
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