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The Economics of Water


Willingness To Pay

Willingness to pay is an economic concept used by economists. This technique focuses on a person’s willingness to pay some amount to acquire some good or service that is water based. There were a large number of studies done on this technique, which is why it has its own section.
All articles and abstracts are in pdf format

Introductory Materials

Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms
Public Opinion Poll Results in the Study of Select Economic Values of NH Lakes, Rivers, Streams and Ponds: Phase 3 
    by Dr. Lisa Shapiro and Heidi Kroll
The Economic Impact of Potential Decline in New Hampshire Water Quality: The Link Between Visitor Perceptions, Usage and Spending 
    by Anne Nordstrom Ph.D.

Intermediate Material

The Effect of Distance on Willingness to Pay Values:
    A Case Study of Wetlands and Salmon in California
    by Jennifer Pate and John Loomis
Measuring the Total Economic Value of Restoring Ecosystem Services in an Impaired River Basin:
    Results from a Contingent Valuation Survey 
    by John Loomis et. al.
The Structure of Motivation for Contingent Values:  A Case Study of Lake Water Quality Improvement 
    by Philip Cooper, Gregory L. Poe, and Ian J. Bateman
Fairness in the Contingent Valuation of Environmental Public Goods: Attitude Toward Paying for Environmental Improvements at Two Levels of Scope 
    by Bradley S. Jorgensen et. al.
Estimating the Economic Value of Improvements in River Ecology Using Choice Experiments: An Application to the Water Framework Directive 
    by Nick Hanley, Robert E. Wright, and Begona Alvarez-Farizo
Estimating Recreational Trout Fishing Damages in Montana's Clark Fork River Basin: Summary of a Natural Resource Damage Assessment 
    by Edward R. Morey et. al.
 Willingness to Pay for Non Angler Recreation at the Lower Snake River Reservoirs 
    by John R. McKean et. al.
Lakeshore Property Values and Water Quality: Evidence From Property Sales in the Mississippi Headwaters Region 
    by Charles Krysel, Elizabeth Marsh Boyer, Dr. Charles Parson, and Dr. Patrick Welle
Okoboji Experiment: Comparing Non-market Valuation Techniques in an Unusually Well-defined Market for Water Quality 
    by Ralph C. d'Arge and Jason F. Shogren
Theoretical and Empirical Specifications: Issues in Travel Cost Demand Studies 
    by Mary Jo Kealy and Richard C. Bishop

Advanced Material

Contingent Valuation, Net Marginal Benefits, and the Scale of Riparian Ecosystem Restoration
    by Thomas P. Holmesa et. al.
The Economic Value of Trinity River Water 
    by Aaron J. Douglas and Jonathan G. Taylor
Recreation Demand Models with Taste Differences Over People 
    by Kenneth E. Train

Web Resources

The Iowa Lakes Valuation Project
Lake Water Quality Affects Property Values
Back to Economics of Water Home Page

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