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The Economics of Water


​ The Great Lakes

Economic studies in this section are based or partially based on
research done on the Great Lakes.  
All articles and abstracts are in pdf format
Economics of Water - Definitions of Terms

Intermediate Material

The Value of Lake Erie Beaches 
    by Dr. Brent Sohngen et. al.
The Natural Capital of the Southern Lake Michigan Coastal Zone:
   First Steps Towards an Economic Valuation 
    by Anna Cooper  
Theoretical and Empirical Specifications: Issues in Travel Cost Demand Studies 
    by Mary Jo Kealy and Richard C. Bishop
The Bioeconomics of Resource Rehabilitation:
   A Commercial-Sport Analysis for a Great Lakes Fishery 
    by Scott R. Milliman et. al.

Advanced Material

A Dual Approach to Modeling Corner Solutions in Recreation Demand 
    by Daniel J. Phaneuf
An Estimable Dynamic Model of Recreation Behavior with an Application to Great Lakes Angling 
    by Bill Provencher & Richard C. Bishop

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents