Find the Report You Need
For All Students
Pursuant to the United States Department of Education's Program Integrity Rule and University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point internal policies, any student may file a formal complaint. The University has created a website if you would like to know more about filing an academic complaint, advising complaint, Americans with Disabilities Act complaint, or a UWSP institutional complaint.
Students are encouraged to first work with the appropriate individual, office, Department Chair, or Dean to address your concerns as most can be addressed at the point where there is an issue.
Student Grievances and Academic Complaints Report Form
If you are in immediate danger, dial 911 or your local law enforcement department. All students, faculty, staff, and guests are strongly encouraged to report crimes, submit concerns, and report alleged student misconduct to our office, regardless of where the incident occurred. If you have questions about which reporting form would be appropriate, contact our office at 715-346-2611.
Stevens Point Campus (Scroll Down for Marshfield/Wausau Reports)

Marshfield Campus

Wausau Campus

* Anonymous reports are accepted for all types of reports to include sexual assault, other forms of interpersonal violence, and reports of bias/hate (report does not contain any personally identifying information about the victim). Submitting a report that does not contain specific information may limit the institution's ability to respond.
* Responsible Employees must submit a complete and thorough report, to include the names of those involved, in accordance with Title IX requirements. Submitting a report does not automatically initiate an investigation.
* Sexual Assault Reported to University Employees (WI § 36.11(22)(c)): "Any person employed at an institution who witnesses a sexual assault on campus or receives a report from a student enrolled in the institution that the student has been sexually assaulted shall report to the Dean of Students of the institution. The Dean of Students shall compile reports for the purpose of disseminating statistical information under par. (a)1.b."