Due to the COVID-19 Social Distancing mandate UWSP Computer Labs were reconfigured allowing for a limited number of computers available for in-lab use.  ​Please follow these Social Distancing Guidelines and Disinfecting Procedures when working in a computer lab.

Classroom & Lab Services

Homework Labs and Computer Classrooms

Information Technology maintains labs for both student homework and classes.

Homework Labs are dedicated labs with computers and printers where students can work to complete assignments.  Depending on the lab, both PC and Mac computers as well as flatbed scanners may be available.

Computer Classrooms are reservable labs designed for classes where each student requires a computer for in-class work.  Computer classrooms are available for student homework outside of scheduled classes.

In the past, Computer Classrooms were called "Public Labs". The name change to "Computer Classrooms was made to better align with Federal and UW-System guidelines.

See our Homework Labs & Computer Classrooms page to learn more!

In addition to student homework labs, Information Technology supports student homework computers throughout the libraries on all three UWSP campus locations.

Problems with your laptop? The Information Technology Service Desk offers limited Computer Repair Services to UWSP students!

Remote Lab

Do you need UWSP software but can't get to a lab?  Have to work on that important assignment but computer labs are closed?  Log into the Remote Lab for 24/7 remote access to a virtual computer lab workstation and UWSP lab software.

Available Campus Software

See the Available Software tab above to learn more about software available at UWSP, how to install an application, or simply browse to see what's available. 

Are you teaching a class and can't find the software you need?   See our Request Software page for information on purchasing class software, making software installation requests, important request deadlines, and more.

Printing and Scanning

UWSP students begin each semester with a $10 print credit and have permission to print to all UWSP homework labs and computer classrooms.  See how to check your print credits.

See our Printing Services​ page for printers available in Homework Labs and Computer Classrooms!

​Visit our FollowMe Printing page to see how to print to a print queue from your laptop or mobile device, then​​ up to 72 hours later send your print job to a lab printer for pickup.

And don't forget to check out​ how to Scan t​o Email!

​Computer Classroom Reservations

Computer classrooms can be reserved for class and university-affiliated programs, and are also available for rent to non-affiliated organizations. Visit our Reserve a Computer Classroom page for more information.

Guest Accounts

General community visitors may receive a guest account to use computers in the reference area of the library.  For more information visit our Guest Login Accounts page.​

IT Classroom & Lab Hours - Fall & Spring Semester

Want 24/7 online access to UWSP computer lab software from your personal computer at home or in your Residence Hall? Access UWSP computer lab software with the Remote Computer Lab!

On-Campus Computer Labs

Stevens Point Campus

Homework Labs

CCC 104

CCC 126

DUC 201

Computer Classrooms

​Computer classrooms are not labs but can be used for homework if not in use by a class.

CAC 301A, CPS 107, CCC 307, SCIB228, and TNR 356

  • Monday - Thursday:  7:45am - 5:00pm

  • Friday: 7:45am - 12:00pm

  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

NFAC 126 / 172 / NFAC 190

​​Tuesday January 21  -​ February 2:

  • Monday - Thursday:  7:45am - 5:00pm

  • Friday: 7:45am - 12:00pm

  • Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Beginning Monday, February 3:

Additional study spaces on the Stevens Point campus​

Marshfield Campus

MSF 404F (Computer Classroom)

MSF 107 (Homework Lab)

  • Follows building schedule.

Wausau Campus

WAU 250

WAU 146, 300 (Computer Classrooms)

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 to 4:00.  Available when not in use by a class.​​​

  • Saturday - Sunday: Closed.

WAU 145 (Homework Lab)

  • Monday - Friday: 8:00 to 4:00.​

  • Saturday - Sunday: Closed.

‭(Hidden)‬ IT Classroom & Lab Hours - Winterim

Stevens Point Campus

All computer labs are closed in observance of legal holidays on:

  • December 24, 25, 31
  • January 1, 20​

Computer Classrooms

NFAC 190

  • Monday - Friday 7:30am to 4:30pm

  • Closed Saturday & Sunday

CAC 301A, CPS 107, CCC 307, NFAC 126/172, SCIB228, and TNR 356

  • Closed

  • Closed

Homework Labs

CCC 104

CCC 126

DUC 201

Marshfield Campus

MSF 404F (Computer Classroom)

MSF 107 (Homework Lab)

  • Follows building schedule.


Wausau Campus

WAU 145, WAU 146, WAU 300

  • Closed (WAU 146 and WAU 300 are reservable)
WAU 250 (Library) Not reservable

‭(Hidden)‬ IT Classroom & Lab Hours - Summer

Want 24/7 online access
to UWSP computer lab software from your personal computer at home or in your Residence Hall?  Access UWSP computer lab software with the Remote Computer Lab!

Stevens Point Campus

All computer labs are closed in observance of legal holidays on:

  • Memorial Weekend & Memorial Day
  • July 4th & 5th​ (Independence Day)

Homework Labs

CCC 104

CCC 126

DUC 201

​​Computer Classrooms

CAC 301A, CCC 126, CPS 107, CCC 307, NFAC 126/172/190, SCIB228, and TNR 356

All computer classrooms are closed unless reserved through the lab reservation process.

Marshfield Campus

MSF 404F (Computer Classroom)

MSF 107 (Homework Lab)

  • Follows building schedule.

Wausau Campus

WAU 145, WAU 146,
WAU 300

  • Closed (WAU 146 and WAU 300 are reservable)

WAU 250 (Library)

IT Classroom & Lab Hours - Spring Break

Stevens Point Campus

Homework Labs

CCC 104

CCC 126

DUC 201

Computer Classrooms

CAC 301A, CPS 107, CCC 307, NFAC 126/172/190, SCIB228, and TNR 356

  • Monday, 3/17 to Friday 3/21:  8:00am-4:30pm

  • Saturday 3/22 to Sunday 3/23: Closed

Marshfield Campus

MSF 404F (Computer Classroom)

MSF 107 (Homework Lab)

  • Follows building schedule.

Wausau Campus

WAU 145, WAU 146, WAU 300

  • Closed (WAU 146 and WAU 300 are reservable)

  • WAU 250 (Library)​: Open Library Hours



Available Software

All software installed on the UWSP network must first undergo a contract review by IT Purchasing and receive a security review sign off by UWSP's Information Security Office.

Information Technology provides a reliable and secure computing environment at UWSP by installing a common set of software known as the Standard Campus Load (SCL) on all UWSP computers.

Software that is approved can be made available for individual installs from the Microsoft Software Center or Self Service for Macs.  Software acquired for a computer classroom or a specific group can be installed via an automated process upon request.

If approved software is not available to you or to your class due to limited licensing, additional licenses may be purchased by working with Information Technology's Software Purchaser / License Coordinator. 

See UWSP's Software Catalog for a list of approved academic software.

Questions?  Contact the IT Service Desk!