Standard Campus Load (SCL)

The Standard Campus Load (SCL) is a standard set of software products and a particular release of an operating system that has been configured specifically for UWSP computers. Information Technology uses an SCL to assure network delivered applications perform consistently, to disseminate security and software updates, and to help facilitate upgrades.

UWSP's SCL helps to create a consistent experience from computer to computer.

What is the current Windows Standard Campus Load (SCL)?

The current Windows SCL includes the Windows 11 operating system and Office 365. 

What is the current Macintosh Standard Load (SCL)?

The current Macintosh SCL includes the OSX, Mozilla Firefox, Office for Mac 2016, and VLC media player.

Installing Non-SCL Software

Additional campus-wide licensed software is available through the Software Center (Windows PC) and Self Service for Macs

You do not need to be an administrator on your computer to install the software available in the Software Center or Self Service.

Special department-purchased software for class, unit, or individual use is also distributed here.

Please enter a workorder for other software installation requests.

Have questions?  Please contact the Service Desk.