This Summer 2024, Information Technology (IT) will deploy Windows 11 to th​​​​​​​e following IT-managed computer classrooms and labs:

Stevens Point Campus​: DUC 201 | CAC​​ 301A | C​PS​ 107 | SCI B228 | TNR 356

Wausau Ca​​mpus​: WAU 145 | WAU​ 146 | WAU 250 (li​brary)​

Marshfield Campus: M​SF 107 ​​| ​MSF​ 404F | MS​​F 404 (library)

This work is being done as part of the larger goal ​​​​of completing Windows 11 upgrades for all compatible computers by October 14th, 2025,​ Microsoft's support end date for the current Windows 10 operating system.


​​Homework Labs & Computer Classrooms

Looking for the closest Homework Lab with an available computer?  Or maybe a lab with two or more open computers so you and your group can work together on that project that's almost due?

Are you teaching a class and want to know more about Information Technology's Computer Classrooms before submitting a request to reserve a computer classroom for your students' special assignment?

All Information Technology Computer Classrooms and Homework Labs contain:

For lab hours, see our
Lab Hours and Services page.

For information about printing, mobile printing, and scanning to email see our Printing Service​s page.

See below for lab​ floorplans, available hardware and more!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

​Student Homework Labs

Student Homework Labs are dedicated labs with extended hours where students can work and cannot be reserved for instructional use.

​ Stevens Point Campus

  • ​CCC 104 and 126

  • DUC 201

  • Residence Hall computer labs are available 24/7 to Hall residents during regular operating hours.​​​​​

 CCC 104 and CCC 126 Floorplan and Additional Information

CCC 104 and 126 are Student Homework Labs located on the first floor of Collins Classroom Center on the west side. 

See our Lab Hours and Services page for additional information.

CCC 104 is a four-workstation PC lab (see workstation availability). A color printer is available.

CCC 126 contains Windows PC and Mac ​computers and a black/white printer.

CCC 126 floorplan​:



 DUC 201 Floorplan and Additional Information

DUC 201 is a Student Homework Lab located in the Dreyfus University Center on the second floor in the north-west corner. DUC 201 contains primarily Windows PC computers however four​ Mac computers are also available.  DUC 201 offers a color printer and a flatbed scanner.

See our Lab Hours and Services page for additional information.




​​UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield Campus

  • ​MSF 404:  Four Windows PC homework computers are located in the Marshfield Library common area. A color printer is available in the room.​​

  • MSF 107:  Two Windows PC homework computers are available​ in room 107 of the WW Clark Administrative building. A B/W printer is located across the hall in room 111.

UW-Stevens Point at Wausau Campus​​

  • ​WAU 145 

  • WAU 250 (Library)​: Windows PC homework computers and a B/W printer are available for student use.​​​​​​​

 WAU 145 Floorplan and Additional Information

WAU 145 is a student Homework Lab located on the UW Stevens Point at Wausau campus next to the campus Library. A color printer is available to students.​

Computer Classrooms

Information Technology manages reservable Computer Classrooms on the UWSP campuses. ​Full-term academic classes are scheduled through the Office of the Registrar.  Computer classrooms can also be reserved​ for ad hoc class use and by people and organizations outside of the UWSP community. 

Before submitting a request to reserve a computer classroom, see our Computer Classroom Reservation page for important information regarding the reservation process including information on when ad hoc reservations are accepted, reservation classifications and potential fees, and other reservation policy information.

When not reserved for classes or events, computer classrooms are available for student homework. 

For Computer Classroom hours, see our Lab Hours and Services page.

The following
reservable computer classrooms are available:

UW-Stevens Point Campus

CAC 301A, CCC 307, CPS 107, NFAC 126, NFAC 172, NFAC 190, SCIB 228, and TNR 356.

UW-Stevens Point at Marshfield

MSF 404F

UW-Stevens Point at Wausau

WAU ​146 & WAU 300

IMPORTANT: Please note that while Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes.  At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

UW-Stevens Point Reservable Computer Classrooms

 CAC 301A Floorplan and Additional Information

CAC 301A is a Computer Classroom located in the Communication Arts Center (CAC). CAC 301A is a PC Windows classroom with a color printer.

A PC teaching station and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.


 CCC 307 Floorplan and Additional Information

CCC 307 is a Computer Classroom located in the Collins Classroom Center (CCC).  CCC 307 is a Windows PC classroom with a color printer for student use.

A PC teaching station and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.


 CPS 107 Floorplan and Additional Information

CPS 107 is the UWSP Data Analytics Lab and IT Computer Classroom located in the College of Professional Studies (CPS). This computer classroom benefits from shared redesign costs between the UWSP Data Analytics Department and UWSP Information Technology. When not scheduled for full-term Data Analytics classes, CPS 107 is available for scheduling requests.

CPS 107 is a Windows PC classroom with a color printer for student use.  A PC teaching station and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 NFAC 126 Floorplan and Additional Information

NFAC 126 is a Computer Classroom located in the Noel Fine Arts building (NFAC). NFAC 126 is a Windows PC classroom.

A PC teaching station and projector, and a color printer are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 NFAC 172 Floorplan and Additional Information

NFAC 172 is a Computer Classroom located in the Noel Fine Arts building (NFAC). NFAC 172 is a Mac classroom with a color printer.  A 24" banner printer is also available for students and their projects.

A Mac teaching station, color printer,​ and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 NFAC 190 Floorplan and Additional Information

NFAC 190 is a Computer Classroom located in the Noel Fine Arts Center (NFAC).  NFAC 190 is a Mac classroom with a flatbed scanner, two Wacom tablets, and a color printer.  A 48" banner printer is also available for students and their projects.

A Mac teaching station and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 SCIB 228 Floorplan and Additional Information

SCI B228 East is a Computer Classroom located in the B wing on the second floor of the Science building (SCI). SCIB 228 is a Windows PC classroom with a color printer for student use.

A PC teaching station and projector are available in the classroom.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 TNR 356 Floorplan and Additional Information

TNR 356 is a Computer Classroom located in the Trainer Natural Resources Building (TNR). TNR 356 is a Windows PC classroom with a color printer for student use.

A PC teaching station and projector are available in the room.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

​UWSP at Mars​hfield Reservable Computer Cl​assrooms​​​​

 MSF 404F Floorplan and Additional Information

MSF 404F is a PC Computer Classroom located on the UW Stevens Point at Marshfield campus within the Hamilton Roddis Memorial Library. A color printer is located just outside the lab within the library.

A PC teaching station and projector are available in the room.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

​UWSP at Wausau Reservable Computer Classrooms​

 WAU 146 Floorplan and Additional Information

WAU 146 is a PC Computer Classroom located on the UW Stevens Point at Wausau campus next to the campus Library.  A PC teaching station and projector are available in the room.

A printer is easily accessible in the adjacent WAU 145 Homework lab.

WAU 146 is available for student homework when not in use by a class.

While Computer Classrooms may show available computers, they are also frequently reserved for classes. At this time, we are unable to provide information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

 WAU 300 Floorplan and Additional Information

WAU 300 is a PC Computer Classroom located on the UW Stevens Point at Wausau campus next to the campus Library.  A PC teaching station and projector are available in the room. 

WAU 300 is available for student homework when not in use a class.

​ At this time, we are unable to display information about when a Computer Classroom is reserved.

​​ ​

Have questions?  Contact the Service Desk!