Scheduling a Computer Classroom

UWSP Information Technology oversees the scheduling of all requests to use Information Technology computer classrooms including reservation requests submitted via UWSP's Event Management System (EMS).

Computer Classrooms for Full Term Academic Classes

All full-term academic classes are scheduled through the Office of the Registrar.  Ad Hoc requests to schedule computer classrooms are not accepted until the Registrar’s office completes its academic class schedule for a semester.

Scheduling Computer Classrooms for Ad Hoc Academic and Non-Academic Purposes

IT computer classrooms are generally scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservations must be requested at least 48 hours in advance and no more than 3 months in advance.

Read the following IT Computer Classroom Reservation Policy BEFORE submitting a scheduling request.

 IT Computer Classroom Reservation Policy

NOTICE: All requests to schedule computer classrooms are not accepted until the Registrar’s office completes academic course scheduling for the request semester.

IT computer classrooms are generally scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Reservation requests must be made at least 48 hours in advance and no more than 3 months in advance.

Make your scheduling request well in advance to ensure availability

All non-academic use requests to reserve an IT computer classroom are reviewed prior to approval to ensure that the event being scheduled:

  1. Does not interfere with academic or homework use.

  2. Does not interfere with the general welfare of UWSP community members, i.e., faculty, staff, and students.

  3. Meets guidelines for which computer labs have been designed.

Note: The use of state facilities, including faculty and staff offices, for soliciting, receiving, or making political contributions by mail or in person is prohibited by law (11.36 Wis. Stats.).

Priorities for Use and Definitions of Classifications

Academics, classes and homework are the primary use of IT computer labs. Fees and staffing are assigned based on the classification described below. If needed, IT will arrange for the creation of guest accounts to be used with the lab reservations. Factors taken into consideration when determining the classification assigned include:

  • Type of event

  • Sponsoring organization

  • Policies set for acceptable computer lab usage

  • Impact on computer lab(s) usage across campus

  • Charges incurred by event participants

Classification Description Fees
Class I Users UWSP academic or administrative units using IT computing facilities and services to provide course work, workshops, training, research activities, or institutional programs for UWSP faculty, staff, and/or students. Events may include some non-UWSP participants (not a majority). This group of users is led by a UWSP faculty or staff member.

Audience: UWSP faculty, staff, and students with small percentage of external.
No lab reservation fee and no Lab Assistant fees assessed. Non-UWSP participants will require a guest account. The $20 account activation fee is waived for Class I Users.

Class II Users UWSP academic or administrative units using IT computing facilities and services to provide course work, workshops, training, research activities, or institutional programs for K-12 students, college students, or UW System faculty, staff, or students.

Audience: Prospective K-12 or college students, UWS faculty, staff, students.
A fee of $20 shall be assessed to facilitate account creation and lab setup plus

Lab Assistant fees of $15.00 per hour - Lab Assistants arrive 15 minutes prior to the group's scheduled start time to ready the lab for the event.
Class III Users UWSP academic or administrative units using IT computing facilities and services to provide non-credit courses or activities for non-profit organizations, state or federal government agencies, non-UWS institutions, or community members.

Audience: External but non-profit or state/federal agencies.
$40 per hour for use of the computer lab, with a minimum half-day charge assessed plus

$20 fee assessed for group network account creation plus

Lab Assistant fees of $15.00 per hour - Lab Assistants arrive 15 minutes prior to the group's scheduled start time to ready the lab for the event.

This assumes no specialty software installation. In the event specialty software needs to be installed, additional fees - as well as advance notice - will be involved.

Class IV Users All other users. Lab reservation requests that do not clearly fit into the categories defined above.

Audience: Generally private entities or organizations and groups outside the UWSP campus community.
$200 per hour for use the computer lab, with a minimum half-day charge assessed plus

$20 fee assessed for group network account creation plus

Lab Assistant fees of $15.00 per hour - Lab Assistants arrive 15 minutes prior to the group's scheduled start time to ready the lab for the event. This assumes no specialty software installation. In the event specialty software needs to be installed, additional fees - as well as advance notice - will be involved.



Your Reservation is not official until confirmed by IT Staff via email.

Cancellation Policy

Class I Cancellations: Inform the IT Service Desk of a cancellation as soon as possible. Last minute or lack of cancelling can deprive another class or event in need of a reservation of the opportunity to use the room during your confirmed time. Repeated cancellations can result in

Class II, III, or IV cancellations: must be received 48 hours prior to the start of the event. Full fees will be charged for cancellations received under 48 hours.

Computer classrooms scheduled but not used: If your reserved computer classroom is not in use after 20 minutes from the start of the reservation, and if you have not informed IT of a delay, Information Technology reserves the right to:

  • open the room to general use, or,

  • close the lab if the reservation falls after regular lab hours.

Please be respectful of others and only reserve a computer classroom for the time you expect to be using the room.

Scheduling Computer Classrooms for Ad Hoc Classes, Academic Meetings and Events

A list of reservable Information Technology computer classrooms including available hardware and room layout information can be found here.

Faculty and staff can request to reserve computer classrooms for as hoc classes or other University meetings and events through UWSP's Event Management System (EMS). For help with submitting your reservation request contact IT Service Desk staff

Non-Academic use of Computer Classrooms

Non-academic use includes non-credit generating courses for which a fee is charged, sponsored research and grant-funded programs and Non-UWSP Users.

Prior to reserving a computer classroom:

  1. review the reservation policy above and note any associated rental costs. then,

  2. contact the Information Technology Service Desk to discuss rental and staffing fees.

Need help?  Please contact the Service Desk.

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