The 28th Annual UWSP Teaching Conference, Supporting Students and Yourself, held on Wednesday, January 17, 2024, provided a forum for experts from across campus to share how they have been supporting student mental health, connecting students to support services across campus, and helping students develop the skills they need to be successful while also maintaining their own boundaries and protecting their own time and mental health.
Hope in a Time of Monsters: Supporting Faculty and Student Mental Health Sarah Rose Cavanagh
How to Motivate Your Learners - Quick Tips (PDF)Resource Guide Takeaways (PDF)
The Red Folder Project (PDF)Rebecca RoggeInstilling Agency and Self-Advocacy in First Year University Students (PPT) Sarah Manasreh-Decker Falling Behind (Word)Missing Class (Word) Presence Matters (Word) Using Participation to Build Behaviors for Student Success (PPT)Amanda Jonsson, Erin SpeetzenCITL Dialogue: Exploring What's Next and Supporting Your Needs (PPT) Erin Speetzen, Sean RuppertA Proper Welcome (PPT)A Growth Mindset in STEM (PPT)How to Survive Final Exam Week (PPT)Making the Most of Instructor Feedback (PPT) Sarah Jane Alger Belonging Intervention (PDF)BIOL 190 Weekly Planning (Word)How to Successfully Balance Your Time (Word)Mindset Assessment Profile Evaluation (PDF)Mindset Assessment Profile Survey (PDF)Transitioning to UWSP (Word) Enhancing Student Support: Utilizing Weekly Check-Ins for Academic Engagement and Social-Emotional Well-Being (PPT)Jesse Mossholder The "It Depends" Dilemma: Getting Comfortable in the Gray of Our Work (PDF)Rebecca RoggeEquipping Students to Engage in Productive Dialogue (PPT)Dona Warren, Dave Dettman, Rob Manzke, Erin Speetzen
Falling Behind (Word)Missing Class (Word) Presence Matters (Word)
Belonging Intervention (PDF)BIOL 190 Weekly Planning (Word)How to Successfully Balance Your Time (Word)Mindset Assessment Profile Evaluation (PDF)Mindset Assessment Profile Survey (PDF)Transitioning to UWSP (Word)