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​​Thursday Morning Workshops

April 23, 2015
9:00am - Noon

Pre-registration required to attend.
Agenda subject to change.


Aquatic Plant Ecology and Identification (Limit 24 ~ additional fee $25)

9:00am - Noon

In this aquatic plant workshop, we will focus on aquatic plant ecology and identification. Participants will learn to identify aquatic plants using freshly defrosted plant specimens collected last summer and a variety of plant keys and other resources. We will focus on distinguishing plants with similar growth forms and among species in the larger genera. If possible, participants should bring a hand lens although there will some hand lenses and microscopes available. There will be a packet of materials for each participant to keep including the second edition of “Through the Looking Glass” (a book about aquatic plants) and keys to guide you through plant identification.

Susan Knight, Aquatic Biologist and Assistant Scientist with the UW-Madison Center for Limnology Trout Lake Station
Michelle Nault, Research Scientist, WDNR 
Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Coordinator, UW-EX Lakes

Healthy Lakes Project: How to Build, Fund & Implement (Limit 35) 

9:00am - Noon​  ​(Also offered Thursday Afternoon​)

Join DNR, UW-Extension, and County partners to learn about our new Healthy Lakes initiative. We will share Wisconsin's 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan​, technical information about the five best practices described within it, and funding options. We will also discuss communication, planning, and partnership strategies for local implementation. There will be plenty of time for questions, and participants will help shape this exciting new initiative's future direction. This workshop is intended for lake leaders and partners interested in doing Healthy Lakes projects and professionals positioned to promote and support them. Click here for more information.

Presenters: The Healthy Lakes Team with John Haack, Natural Resources Educator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Combined PowerPoint presentations​ (Large file: 27 MB PDF - takes time to load)

Beginner Lake District Commissioner Training (Limit 50) 

9:00am - Noon

Are you a new member of a Lake District Board of Commissioners? Maybe your lake district recently formed. This workshop is meant to walk you through the basics of Wisconsin’s unique lake districts and the important roles that elected and appointed commissioners play in making them work. We’ll cover the basics of Chapter 33, the state statute that governs lake districts, and other relevant rules and laws that every commissioner should know. 

Eric Olson, Director, UWEX Lakes
Judy Jooss, Kenosha County Land & Water Conservation Committee

Advanced Shoreline Erosion Control (Limit 50) 

9:00am - Noon

Looking for technical details or methods to restore or enhance a shoreline? This workshop is intended to focus on more advanced techniques in shoreland restoration and management. The presenters will give an overview of the new/different techniques used to alleviate soil erosion and restore shorelands. They will present the technical details of planning, calculations, installation, shoreland permitting processes (including a demonstration of the new electronic permitting), and answer NR Chapter 30 questions. Specific participant questions will be considered and discussed. 

Mariquita Sheehan, Lake Conservation Specialist, Vilas County 
Stacy Dehne, Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
Kelsey M Brown, Water Division Central Intake Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Kelsy Brown - ePermitting System (PDF)
Quita Sheehan - Landscaping for Wildlife (PDF)
Stacy Dehne - Samples and Case Studies (PDF)
Stacy Dehne - Slope Stability 101 (PDF)
Will Stites - Lakeshore Erosion Control​ (PDF)

GIS Training (Limit 25)

9:00am - Noon​

Participants will learn the basics of free GIS mapping software and discover a variety of free GIS and web-based mapping programs. The first half of the workshop is an ideal starting point for those new to GIS. For those with existing ArcGIS experience, the second part of the workshop will further advance your technical skills by discussing and demonstrating new and improved geoprocessing tools, editing workflows, and enhanced functionality with ArcGIS products. 

Christine Koeller, Associate GIS Education Specialist, UW-SP 
Dan McFarlane, GIS Research Specialist, Center for Land Use and Education

Dan McFarlane - Introduction to ArcGIS Online​ (PDF)

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