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​​Thursday Afternoon Workshops

April 23, 2015
1:30 - 4:30pm

Pre-registration required to attend.
Agenda subject to change.

Advanced Lake District Commissioner Training (Limit 50) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

​This advanced workshop is designed for lake district commissioners who are looking for ideas and examples that can take their lake from “good” to “great.” You will learn from fellow commissioners who have successfully implemented lake restoration and protection projects. We will provide specific actions that you can take home in order to leverage the capabilities of your lake district to carry out lake plans, improve water quality, and achieve a healthier lake. 

Miles Kresl, President, Lake Noquebay Rehabilitation District
Nancy McKenney, Chairperson, Beecher & Upper Lake District
John Molinaro, Chair, Lake Ripley Management District
Mary Platner, Former President of Wisconsin Lakes and Chairman of Alma/Moon P&R District

Moderator: Eric Olson, UW Extension - Lakes

Presentation: Nancy McKenney - Beecher Lakes EWM Journey (PDF)

Beginner Shoreline Erosion Control (Limit 50) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

​Don't know how to get started or who could help you with restoration of a shoreline? This workshop is intended for the novice thinking of restoring or enhancing a shoreline. The presenters will give helpful background information about the properties of bank erosion and native plants, and they will discuss options to fix these problems - however great or small. An overview of the different techniques used when doing a shoreline restoration, funding opportunities for landowners, and a quick lesson about healthy shoreline stewardship practices will be given. 

Mariquita Sheehan, Lake Conservation Specialist, Vilas County
Stacy Dehne, Department of Agriculture Trade and Consumer Protection
Cheryl Clemens, Harmony Environmental 

Quita Sheehan - Erosion Causes and Fixes (PDF)
Quita Sheehan - Landscaping for Wildlife (PDF)
Stacy Dehne - Basic Soil Erosion and Types (PDF)

Healthy Lakes Project: How to Build, Fund and Implement (Limit 35)

1:30 - 4:30pm (also offered Thursday morning)

Join DNR, UW-Extension, and County partners to learn about our new Healthy Lakes initiative. We will share Wisconsin's 2014-2017 Healthy Lakes Implementation Plan​, technical information about the five best practices described within it, and funding options. We will also discuss communication, planning, and partnership strategies for local implementation. There will be plenty of time for questions, and participants will help shape this exciting new initiative's future direction. This workshop is intended for lake leaders and partners interested in doing Healthy Lakes projects and professionals positioned to promote and support them. Click here for more information.

Presenters: The Healthy Lakes Team with John Haack, Natural Resources Educator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources​

Combined PowerPoint presentations (Large file: 27 MB PDF - takes time to load)

Lake District Treasurer Training (Limit 25) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

​This workshop is designed specifically for Lake District Treasurers. Managing a lake district budget is not the same as working with a lake association or other type of organization. This workshop will provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to create and manage your lake district’s budget. We will cover specific compliance rules that lake districts need to follow.

Eric Olson, UW-Extension Lakes

Groundwater – Brewery Tour (Limit 20 0ff-site, shuttle included, additional Fee $25) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

Wisconsin’s freshwater resources have long supported a vibrant brewing industry. Beer producers are increasingly realizing the importance and value of water and are developing strategies to use water more wisely and make their operations more sustainable. Join groundwater experts on a fun and fact-filled tour of the Stevens Point Brewery. We’ll highlight the connections between the beverages we enjoy and groundwater quality and quantity. We’ll also explore the impact of groundwater use on lakes and rivers. 

Bill DeVita, Environmental Lab Manager, UW-Stevens Point

Shoreland Zoning: Protecting Lakes Through Partnership (Limit 50) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

Why do we have shoreland zoning in Wisconsin? Where did it come from and what are we trying to accomplish with it? In this workshop we’ll talk about the history of shoreland zoning, how it works today, and recent changes such as impervious surfaces and mitigation for counties to adopt by 2016. Our guests will include lakefront property owners who are helping to achieve the goal of healthy lakes and good fishing through shoreland zoning. Then we’ll give you a chance to “test drive” being a zoning board member. 

Lynn Markham, Land Use Specialist, Center for Land Use and Education 
Kay Lutze, Shoreland Zoning Policy Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources 

Lynn Markham - Shoreland Zoning Workshop (PDF)
Kay Lutze - Shoreland Zoning Workshop​ (PDF)

Introduction to Lake Eutrophication Modeling and Using the Wisconsin Lake Modeling Suite (WiLMS) (Limit 25) 

1:30 - 4:30pm

Lake eutrophication modeling uses characteristics of the lake and watershed to better understand the current trophic condition of a lake and evaluate how that has or could change. This workshop will examine some of the principals of lake eutrophication modeling and introduce attendees to the Wisconsin Lake Modeling Suite (WiLMS) for lake water quality evaluation and planning. This workshop is geared towards individuals interested in performing simple lake eutrophication modeling or to better understand modeling results developed for their lake. Participants will need to provide their own laptop computer as this session will include hands-on applications of WiLMS. 

Paul McGinley, UW-EX Water Quality Specialist, UW-Stevens Point 


Volunteer Recruitment and Management (Limit 50)

1:30 - 4:30pm

Volunteers are an integral part of our Lakes Partnership and many local agencies and organizations count on volunteers to make specific projects successful. However, few people are trained in the fine art and science of volunteer coordination. This workshop will provide participants with best leadership practices and practical advice for recruiting, orienting, engaging, and recognizing volunteers. In viewing volunteers as assets, you will be a more effective and efficient project manager.

Presenter: Kari Temkin, Badger Volunteers Assistant Coordinator, Morgridge Center for Public Service, University of Wisconsin-Madison

SWIMS and the Lakes and Aquatic Invasive Species Map Viewer (Limit 25)

1:30 - 4:30pm

​Interested in learning more about SWIMS and the Lakes and AIS Viewer? Come and get a general walk-through of both and stay to get more in-depth information of how to maximize the available tools. Demos provided will include how to add, find, and update information in the SWIMS database as well as how to create a quick map, add graphics, share maps, add your own data to the viewer. Time will also be set aside at the end for questions and answers as well as a brief overview of new tools and functions that will be coming. 

Jennifer Filbert, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Lakes and AIS Database Services 
Dennis Wiese, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources GIS Analyst/Cartographer 


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