Registration ​​Dates by Term


Fall 2025

Graduate and Undergraduate registration begins April 14, 2025

Registration begins for non-degree seeking students (Open Enrollment) May 1, 2025.

Undergraduate open enrollment begins after all of the assigned appointment times have passed. Graduate open enrollment for Fall begins April 15th, 2025. ​During open enrollment, all students can register and make changes to their schedules through the start of the term.

Appointment Times

Re-entry students entering after an absence of more than one term will be permitted to register with the continuing students according to the number of credits earned.  Contact the Office of Admissions and Recruitment to be readmitted.

Registration Fee

A $25 registration fee will be assessed to all registered students on the first electronic statement (e-Bill) of each term.  This fee is non-refundable. 

Billing questions can be directed to the Student Financial Services Office.  


Cancellations and Withdrawals - While attending UWSP, circumstances may arise that require a student to withdraw from the university. If you are considering withdrawing, you are encouraged to consult with your advisor prior to completing the official withdrawal process so that you may discuss the best possible outcome for your individual circumstances.

Registration Authorizations and Restrictions


Winterim 2025

Registration for all students begins October 28, 2024​.

Advisor authorization is NOT required for W​interim. Undergraduates should follow the same guidelines as for Spring Registration.
Winterim classes typically meet from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (meeting times include a 10-minute break)

Courses with insufficient enrollment may be canceled. Students will be notified as soon as possible should that become necessary. 

Special/Guest Students

If you do not have an active accesSPoint account, you may register as a non-degree seeking (or special) student by completing the online application through the Online UW System Application. You will be sent a confirmation of your registration via email which will include information for you to activate your accesSPoint account and register yourself online.

 Commonly Asked Billing Questions

Cancellations and Withdrawals-- While attending UWSP, circumstances may arise that require a student to withdraw from the university.  Please contact the Office of the Registrar at if you intend to withdraw. 

Academic Calendars
Drop/Add Dates
Exam Schedule

Fee Information

Winterim fees will be billed along with your spring semester bill. Full payment of Winterim fees must be received in the Student Financial Services Office by the due date to avoid finance charges. Any Winterim fees that are not paid in full by the due date will be charged finance charges assessed from the first day of the spring term. Additional fee and deadline information can be found on the Student Financial Services website.

Refunds will be prorated based on the date of course withdrawal. There are some special course fees beyond tuition due to the extra expense of offering the course. Such fees are noted in the course schedule and are not refunded after the first day of class. 

Final Examinations

Final examinations will normally be the last day of classes or as otherwise determined by the instructor.

Financial Aid

Winterim is not considered a term, however, if you are enrolled for the academic year or in either the spring or preceding fall semester, we may be able to offer you additional aid to cover the cost. Contact the Financial Aid Office for further information.

There is no special financial aid for Winterim. Upon request, tuition and fee expenses related to this session will be added to your academic year cost for aid determination purposes. Typically, it will not be possible to increase financial aid to cover these additional costs (no grants are available for this), although an additional Stafford loan may be arranged in cases where the maximum loan has not already been secured. If you have not received the maximum academic year loan already, you may meet with a financial aid adviser to determine how much additional loan award is possible for enrollment in Winterim. For more information on Financial Aid, go to

Grades and Enrollment Status 

Winterim is a separate session. The credits for which you enroll will not count toward determining your enrollment status for either the fall or spring terms. Also, Winterim grades will not be used in determining your fall or spring semester GPA. Winterim grades can be used to improve your academic standing but you cannot be placed on academic probation or suspension as a result of your Winterim grades. To view your grade report, log into accesSPoint and click on Academic Records and then View Grades.


University housing is available on a limited basis. Contact Residential Living (715-346-3511) for additional information and reservation materials.


As a general rule, you should plan to carry no more than one (1) credit per week of instruction. 


If you purchased a parking permit for the school year, your permit is valid during the Winterim Session. If you do not have a permit, you may purchase one for the three week Winterim. Parking is also available in metered lots. For more information on parking, go to

Textbook Rental 

Text Rental is a unique service available to undergraduate students at UWSP. It is a rental library system where students check out most of their course books and return them at the end of the term. The rental fee is included in tuition.

Winterim rental book checkout is available the first day of class and all rental books are due back by the LAST day of class.  Students NOT returning rental books by the last day of class will be billed for the books and assessed a $3.00 processing fee. (You then own the books.) The University Store and Text Rental Winterim hours are Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. A UWSP PointCard and enrollment are required for all rental textbook processing.

Weather Conditions

Classes are rarely canceled due to weather. Use your best judgment if traveling to class. Contact the department of the course for the status of individual classes. All classes will continue to meet during the Winterim unless precluded by extremely severe weather in which case the Chancellor's Office will issue instructions. 



Spring 2025

Graduate and undergraduate student registration begins: November 18, 2024.

Open enrollment begins after all of the assigned appointment times have passed.  During open enrollment, all students can register and make changes to their schedules through the start of the term.  Undergraduate open enrollment for Spring begins December 6​, 2024​​.

Appointment Times

Re-entry students entering after an absence of more than one term will be permitted to register with the continuing students according to the number of credits earned.  Contact the Admissions Office to be readmitted.
Registration Fee

A $25 registration fee will be assessed to all registered students on the first electronic statement (e-Bill) of each term.  This fee is non-refundable. 

Billing questions can be directed to the Student Financial Services Office.  

Cancellations and Withdrawals - While attending UWSP, circumstances may arise that require a student to withdraw from the university. If you are considering withdrawing, you are encouraged to consult with your advisor prior to completing the official withdrawal process so that you may discuss the best possible outcomes for your individual circumstances.

Registration Authorizations and Restrictions


Summer 2025

Graduate and undergraduate student registration begins March 24, 2025.

Registration begins for undergraduate non-degree seeking students (open enrollment) April 3, 2025.

​​​Open enrollment for graduate ​students begins March 25, 2025.​​​

Appointment Times

How to register as a guest student: 

You may attend summer session, and register for courses, by submitting the online application at If you do not have a high school diploma or equivalent (GED or HSED), you must request special permission from the UWSP Admissions Office to enroll in summer session courses.

Admission to Summer Session

If you are interested in earning a degree through UWSP, and plan to continue your studies at the university in fall, you must submit an application for admission for the fall term. To be eligible for admission, you will need to meet the admission requirements in effect at the time your application file is complete. Enrollment limitations are in effect, so early application is strongly encouraged.

Questions regarding admission - contact the Admissions Office located in the Welcome Center, by email at or call 715-346-2441.  

Summer courses with insufficient enrollment may be cancelled. Students will be notified as soon as possible should that become necessary. 

Cancellations and Withdrawals - While attending UWSP, circumstances may arise that require a student to withdraw from the university. If you are considering withdrawing, you are encouraged to consult with your advisor prior to completing the official withdrawal process so that you may discuss the best possible outcomes for your individual circumstances. 

Auditing Courses

To "audit" a course is to attend the class regularly, without the obligation of participation in class discussion, lab work, exams, performances, or any class activity other than listening. Approval is required to audit a course (see Audit Approval Form for more details).

Textbook Rental

Text Rental is a unique service available to undergraduate students at UWSP. It is a rental library system where students check out most of their course books and return them at the end of the term. The rental fee is included in tuition.

Veterans Benefits

Benefits under the Federal Vocational Rehabilitation Act, the Dependency Educational Assistant Program, or the G.I. Bill are paid according to the number of credits carried and the number of weeks the courses last. To claim benefits under the above VA programs, contact the Veterans Services Coordinator, Room 10​3 SSC, phone 715-346-4771. Wisconsin veterans who served in a period of conflict may also be eligible for reimbursement of tuition and books. Contact your County Veteran's Service Office for details.

If you are registering for summer classes and have been receiving monthly benefits during the spring semester, we will automatically certify you for benefits for summer. If you would rather not use your monthly benefits for summer, you must contact the Veterans Services Coordinator, 103 SSC or call 715-346-4771 as soon as possible.

CREDITS Undergraduate Courses Graduate Courses
6 Full-time Full-time​ Full-time Full-time​
5 3/4 time Full-time​ Full-time Full-time​
4 3/4 time Full-time​ 3/4 time Full-time​
3 1/2 time Full-time​ 1/2 time Full-time​
2 Less than 1/2 3/4 time​ Less than 1/2 3/4 time​
1 Less than 1/2 Less than 1/2​ Less than 1/2 Less than 1/2​


If you register in courses of different lengths you should be aware that your pay rates may vary. For example, if you are enrolled in one 3-credit course running 8 weeks (considered 1/2 time by itself) and another 3-credit course meeting during the first four of the 8 weeks (considered full-time by itself), you will be paid at the full-time rate during the first four weeks and half-time during the next four. If you enroll in two 3-credit courses, both lasting 8 weeks, you will be paid at the full-time rate for the 8 weeks.