​Institutional Surveys and Research​

NSSE 2023 Report

Available Reports

Snapshot          Engagement Indicators          High Impact Practices          Topical Module-Dev​elopment of Transferable Skills 

Consortium Report          Overview

These reports are available to faculty/staff in other formats upon request. Contact OIRE for assistance in interpreting or using any of these products.​

The Major Field report is a stock Tableau dashboard from NSSE. UWSP can not change it. It has 10 major groupings that are defaulted by NSSE. While you can reassign the groupings, we can not save that nor alter the group names. Note you can also subset  the population filters at the bottom but be aware of small selections that may result.  Comparison groups can also be set.

Major Field Report Info


The University of Wisconsin System participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The NSSE survey is sent to all currently enrolled first-year and senior students. The responses provided by these students inform the degree to which they are engaged with the programs and activities that promote student learning and professional success.There are ten engagement indicators organized within four themes:

  • Academic Challenge = Higher-Order Learning - Reflective & Integrative Learning Strategies - Quantitative Reasoning

  • Learning with Peers = Collaborative Learning - Discussions with Diverse Others

  • Experiences with Faculty = Student-Faculty Interaction - Effective Teaching Practices

  • Campus Environment = Quality of Interactions - ​Supportive Environment​

NSSE 2020 Report

Available Reports

Snapshot          Engagement Indicators          High Impact Practices          Topical Module-Development of Transferable Skills 

Consortium Report          Major Field Report Info

These reports and others, including Major Field reports, are available to faculty/staff in other formats upon request. Contact OIRE for assistance in interpreting or using any of these products.


The University of Wisconsin System participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The NSSE survey is sent to all currently enrolled first-year and senior students. The responses provided by these students inform the degree to which they are engaged with the programs and activities that promote student learning and professional success. The 2020 NSSE survey concluded just prior to spring break and the subsequent COVID shutdown. There are ten engagement indicators organized within four themes:

  • Academic Challenge = Higher-Order Learning - Reflective & Integrative Learning Strategies - Quantitative Reasoning

  • Learning with Peers = Collaborative Learning - Discussions with Diverse Others

  • Experiences with Faculty = Student-Faculty InteractionEffective Teaching Practices

  • Campus Environment = Quality of Interactions - Supportive Environment

NSSE 2017 Report

2017 NSSE Engagement.png 2017 NSSE HIP.png 2017 NSSE TopMod.png 2017 NSSE Comp.png

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The NSSE survey is sent to all currently enrolled first-year and senior students. The responses provided by these students inform the degree to which they are engaged with the programs and activities that promote student learning and professional success. The NSSE survey focuses on four key engagement indicators:

  • Academic Challenge = Higher-Order Learning - Reflective & Integrative Learning Strategies - Quantitative Reasoning

  • Learning with Peers = Collaborative Learning - Discussions with Diverse Others

  • Experiences with Faculty = Student-Faculty InteractionEffective Teaching Practices

  • Campus Environment = Quality of Interactions - Supportive Environment

NSSE 2014 Report

2014 NSSE Engagement.PNG 2014 NSSE HIP.PNG 2014 NSSE  TopMod.PNG 2014 NSSE Comp.PNG

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The NSSE survey is sent to all currently enrolled first-year and senior students. The responses provided by these students inform the degree to which they are engaged with the programs and activities that promote student learning and professional success. The NSSE survey focuses on four key engagement indicators:

  • Academic Challenge = Higher-Order Learning - Reflective & Integrative Learning Strategies - Quantitative Reasoning

  • Learning with Peers = Collaborative LearningDiscussions with Diverse Others

  • Experiences with Faculty = Student-Faculty InteractionEffective Teaching Practices

  • Campus Environment = Quality of Interactions - Supportive Environment

NSSE Reports Archive

2006-2008-2011 Longitudinal Comparisons

2001-2004-2006 Longitudinal Comparisons

2011 Executive Snapshot

2008 Executive Snapshot

2008 College Report

2011 UWSP vs Peer Groups Means Comparisons

2008 UWSP vs Peer Groups Means Comparisons

2011 UWSP & UW Comprehensives Consortium Report

2008 UWSP & UW Comprehensives Consortium Report

The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point participates in the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) every three years. The NSSE survey is sent to all currently enrolled first-year and senior students. The responses provided by these students inform the degree to which they are engaged with the programs and activities that promote student learning and professional success. The NSSE survey focuses on four key engagement indicators:

  • Academic Challenge = Higher-Order Learning - Reflective & Integrative Learning Strategies - Quantitative Reasoning

  • Learning with Peers = Collaborative LearningDiscussions with Diverse Others

  • Experiences with Faculty = Student-Faculty InteractionEffective Teaching Practices

  • Campus Environment = Quality of Interactions - Supportive Environment

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