Concurrent Session 1
50 minutes
March 31, 2016 ~ 8:00-8:50 am
Agenda subject to change.
Fighting the Spread of Invasive Species:
Tests of Decontamination Techniques
The spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Wisconsin is a major environmental issue, and there is a pressing need for scientific information on which procedures can effectively decontaminate boats, trailers, and sampling gear. Our studies on New Zealand mud snails and spiny water fleas have examined the effectiveness of cleaning methods currently being considered by DNR staff and scientists, but also apply to citizen scientists helping in the fight against AIS. We will discuss the results of various methods and provide information for establishing more practical guidelines on decontamination methods for managers, researchers, and citizen scientists.
Bart De Stasio, Professor of Biological Sciences, Lawrence University
Fighting the Spread of Invasive Species:
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resource’s New Decontamination Manual Code
Clean Boats, Clean Waters survey results indicate that 77% of boaters clean equipment using these standard steps: Inspect, Remove, Drain, and Never Move. While these methods are sufficient for the general public, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources follow a more rigorous protocol as outlined in the Boat, Gear, and Equipment Decontamination and Disinfection Manual Code due to the variety of water related work and programs involved (Fish Management, Law Enforcement, and Water Quality, etc). This manual code was recently revised to make the Department’s steps more effective for all aquatic invasive species and also to apply to Department agents and contractors, and some permittees. This presentation will describe the revisions that were made and the process.
Maureen Ferry, Statewide Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Lead, Wisconsin DNR
Dip-In to the Roots of the Self-Help Lake Monitoring Program
In 1986, the Wisconsin DNR created a citizen lake monitoring program modeled after similar programs around the country. With a Secchi disc and a hand-drawn, how-to monitoring notebook, 126 volunteers were armed to track the water clarity of 113 lakes. Learn about the modest beginnings of the program and how things were done “back in the day.” See the old data post-cards, the original Secchi disc (it still works), and the hand-made equipment and how it was used (including a live demonstration). While we could never have predicted the program’s growth and spin-offs, it is with pride that after thirty years, the Citizen Lake Monitoring Program is still recognized as a cornerstone of the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership.
Carolyn Betz, Research Program Manager, UW-Madison
Introduction to the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network
The Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) creates a bond between 1000+ citizen volunteers statewide and the Wisconsin Lakes Partnership. The goal is to collect high quality data, educate and empower volunteers, and share this information. Paul Skawinski, the Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Coordinator, will discuss the types of monitoring activities that volunteers do as part of the Wisconsin Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, how staff provide support, and how volunteers can get involved.
Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Coordinator, UW-Extension Lakes
How the Department of Natural Resources Uses Citizen Lake Monitoring Data
This talk will briefly highlight how data is used and set the stage for examples of data applications that will be showcased throughout the Citizen Action sessions to follow throughout the day. Developing phosphorus standards, understanding patterns of water clarity in space and time, modeling lake temperature and managing fisheries, predicting lake suitability for invasive species, and developing individual lake management plans are just a few examples of how much can be gained from CLMN data.
Katie Hein, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin DNR
Fish Production Responses to Long-term Additions of Coarse Woody Habitat
In 2015, a long-term whole-lake study was initiated on Sanford Lake to test for fish production responses to additions of wood in lakes. The practice of adding wood to lakes to improve fish habitat (known as Fish Sticks) is commonly used in Wisconsin fisheries management; however, the response of fish communities to this management tool has rarely been evaluated. The primary goal of this study is to test whether or not wood addition in the form of “tree drops” increases fish production. This talk will explain the study and its amazing results.
Greg Sass, Natural Resource Program Supervisor, Wisconsin DNR
Working Towards Increased Sustainability of Panfish in Wisconsin
Panfish are the most frequently caught type of fish in Wisconsin. Yet over 70+ years, significant declines have been observed in sizes of bluegills, black crappies, and yellow perch in our state. A new adaptive panfish management plan has been enacted in Wisconsin that seeks to improve panfish size on almost 100 lakes through a series of experimental fishing regulations. The hope is that a combination of sound science, outreach, and management can be used to improve panfish opportunities for future generations of Wisconsinites. This talk will discuss the strategy behind the new management plan.
Andrew Rypel, Research Scientist, Wisconsin DNR
More Than a Paperweight: Developing an Actionable Lake Management Plan
Lake Management Plans (LMPs) have a tendency to accumulate unused on a bookshelf. In Green Lake, Wisconsin, local stakeholders developed an LMP that has become the cornerstone of lake and watershed management efforts. Join the Green Lake Sanitary District and the Green Lake Association as they recount their experience of lake management before and after local partners developed the Green Lake LMP in 2013. Highlights will include how the LMP team was formed and how the plan was written, major project components, how the Green Lake LMP functions as an adaptable plan that aligns partners’ management efforts, and goals for future LMP iterations. This session may be a helpful for lake associations and lake managers who are interested in beginning the LMP process or transforming an unused LMP into an actionable framework for lake and watershed management.
Stephanie Prellwitz, Green Lake Association
Charlie Marks, Green Lake Sanitary District
Lake Ecology for Beginners
Description coming soon!
Patrick “Buzz” Sorge, Lakes Biologist, Wisconsin DNR
Shoreland Zoning Updates
Shoreland zoning standards were changed in a big way by the state budget bill passed in July 2015 and went into effect immediately. State law now says counties cannot have shoreland standards more protective than state standards, which means no larger lot sizes, setbacks, buffers, etc. The state minimum shoreland standards since 1967 have become the minimum and maximum standards. We will discuss the specifics of this law, shoreland science, what county zoning staff are doing, how lake organizations can get involved, and the requirement for county shoreland ordinances to comply with the NR 115 standards by October 1, 2016.
Lynn Markham, Center for Land Use Education, UW-Stevens Point
Kay Lutze, Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist, Wisconsin DNR