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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership
2010 Convention Archive

Speakers & Special Events

There will be a variety of speakers joining us for
    the 2010 Wisconsin Lakes Convention.
Descriptions of their talks, as well as other
special events, are listed below.



​ Life on the Edge: Making Linkages to Public Values and Perceptions of Shorelands and Shallows

Afternoon Plenary
Tuesday, March 30
(1:00 - 3:45 pm)

Fred Rozumalski
Tuesday, March 30
Afternoon Plenary (1:00 - 3:45 pm)

"Understanding Public Perceptions of Native Vegetation and Landscaping: Working with 'Neatniks' to Restore our Lakeshores"

Fred Rozumalski ( will join us to discuss techniques to incorporate the aesthetic of neatness into our lakeshore restorations, while preserving the native landscape. Fred is an urban landscape architect practicing sustainable land design ecologist and through Barr Engineering Company in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His work strives to regenerate ecological systems, while accommodating the needs of people. Fred is also a lecturer on issues of water conservation and human adaptation to our changing climate. He is also adjunct faculty in the Department of Landscape Architecture at the University of Minnesota. His most recent accomplishments include co-authoring a Minnesota DNR-sponsored book, Lakescaping for Wildlife and Water Quality, and winning a National Design Award from the American Society of Landscape Architects Professional Awards for the innovative design of a sedge meadow restoration and interpretive boardwalk at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum.


Steven I. Apfelbaum
Tuesday, March 30
Afternoon Plenary (1:00 - 3:45 pm)

"Nature's Second Chance: Restoring the Ecology of Stone Prairie Farm"

Internationally recognized restoration ecologist, Steven I. Apfelbaum will be joining us in Green Bay to discuss his new book, Nature's Second Chance: Restoring the Ecology of Stone Prairie Farm (referred to as the 21st century sequel to the best-selling classic A Sand County Almanac). Steven is founder, president and senior ecologist of Applied Ecological Services, and is among the best-known world leaders in ecological system restoration, conservation development and the restoration of hydrology. Steven has conducted ecological research, designed award-winning projects, successfully navigated regulatory programs, and contributed his unique creative scientific expertise and enthusiasm to over 1,500 projects throughout North America and beyond.

Marcus de la fleur
Tuesday, March 30
Afternoon Plenary (1:00 - 3:45 pm)

"One Drop at a Time: Water, Sustainability, and our Landscape"

With its green roof, rain barrels, rain gardens, and other "green" applications, this residential pilot project in Elmhurst brings to life the principles of responsible treatment of rain water within a residential landscape. Marcus will speak about the rationales of the applied sustainable practices, explain how to make a yard not only beautiful but useful and "green", and describe and quantify the larger cumulative effect of changing to "green".
Marcus de la fleur is an Associate and Registered Landscape Architect, running his own design and consulting firm (de la fleur LLC) in Chicago, IL. He received his horticultural degree from the School of Horticulture at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and obtained his Masters in Landscape Architecture at the University of Sheffield, both in England. Marcus presently leads and manages several site planning, design and engineering projects at various scales, some of them LEED rated or registered. These projects combine brownfield site developments, urban design, waterfront treatments, planting design, and native landscape restoration. Marcus also researches and compiles engineering manuals / guidelines on sustainable technologies. He has extensive field experience in sustainable technology application through his past work in Germany, Switzerland, and England. Marcus has taught two international MLA studios in Germany and has published articles on the use of prairie species in landscape design and on planning principles for botanical institutions. He frequently presents at conferences and seminars in North America and abroad on subjects of green technologies and sustainable applications. Marcus started to apply a variety of sustainable principles to the landscape at his residence. He uses this pilot project to demonstrate the applicability, aesthetic opportunities, and cumulative benefits of sustainable landscape treatments at the residential and neighborhood scales.

Angie Hong
Tuesday, March 30
Afternoon Plenary (1:00 - 3:45 pm)

"The Minnesota Blue Thumb Program: Planting for Clean Water"
Angie Hong, Water Resource Education Specialist with the Washington Conservation District in Stillwater, Minnesota, will share “The Minnesota Blue Thumb Program: Planting for Clean Water.” This highly successful program currently boasts over 65 partnerships comprised of professionals from local governmental units (watershed and conservation districts, cities, counties); non-profit and community organizations; and nursery and landscape professionals.

Special Sessions
Tuesday, March 30
7:00 - 8:00 pm

Choose from several special sessions offered Tuesday evening before our Wisconsin Lakes Convention Welcome Reception kicks into full gear.


Wisconsin Public Trust Doctrine Overview

Michael Cain, retired WDNR attorney
 In addition to an overview, this presentation will allow time for a question and answer period regarding Wisconsin’s Public Trust Doctrine.

NR 115 - Wisconsin’s Shoreland Protection Program

Gregg Breese, WDNR Water Regulations and Zoning Specialist

This presentation will highlight recent updates to the minimum shoreland standards for Wisconsin.



NR 151 - Runoff Management

Kurt Calkins, County Conservationist, Columbia County Land and Water Conservation Department
Joe Dorava, PE and Project Manager, Vierbicher Associates WDNR representative  
This session will give attendees an opportunity to learn about potential updates and changes to the rule which seek to address pollution from agricultural farms and fields, construction sites and developed urban areas.



APM in Wisconsin

Tim Asplund, WDNR Limnologist
Robby Personette, Program Manager in Pesticide Certification and Licensing, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)
This session is geared towards consultants and individual applicators dealing with aquatic plant management (APM) work in Wisconsin. This will be an open forum to discuss APM permitting, certification, and aquatic pesticide use.

    OPTION 4:

    Groundwater and Lakes

    Bob Nauta, RJN Environmental Services, LLC
    This presentation will include a brief overview of the hydrological relationship between surface water and groundwater. This will be followed by a discussion of the existing laws regulating the approvals of high capacity wells, and a discussion of the legislation currently pending, and how it will benefit lake property owners in Wisconsin.


    Wisconsin Lakes Convention Welcome Reception

    Tuesday, March 30
    7:00 - 11:00 pm

    This event is sponsored by the Lake Leaders Institute and Wisconsin Association of Lakes. Everyone is welcome!  Meet Lake Leader Institute graduates, members of the Wisconsin Association of Lakes Board of Directors, and other convention-goers at this informal networking opportunity.  Snacks and refreshments provided. 


    Sustaining Shorelands and Shallows in Wisconsin: Are We Making a Difference in Water Quality and Wildlife Enhancement?

    Morning Plenary
    Wednesday, March 31
    (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    Neil Kamman
    Wednesday, March 31

    Morning Plenary (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    Just How Good are the Nation's Lakes?

    Water Quality, Recreational Suitability, and Ecological Integrity of Lakes and Reservoirs Based on the National Lakes Assessment

    Neil Kamman is an environmental scientist with the Lakes and Ponds Management Program from the  Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation.  He will discuss the National Lakes Assessment, which was designed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and its partners to help us to provide statistically valid regional and national estimates of the condition of lakes. It uses a probability-based sampling design to represent the condition of all lakes in similar regions sharing similar ecological characteristics. Consistent sampling and analytical procedures ensure that the results can be compared across the country. The National Lakes Assessment will also help build state and tribal capacity for monitoring and assessment and promote collaboration across jurisdictional boundaries in the assessment of water quality.

    Liesa Lehmann
    Wednesday, March 31
    Morning Plenary (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    "Protection and Enhancement of Wisconsin Shorelands and Shallows"

    Effective management of shorelands and shallows requires a comprehensive approach involving many different people and tools.  Wisconsin DNR works in partnership with local governments, advocacy groups and lake property owners to protect shorelands using direct management, regulation, financial incentives, technical assistance and education.  Each of these elements plays a role in protecting and enhancing the habitat, water quality and natural scenic beauty of Wisconsin's shorelands.  The recently revised NR 115 state minimum standards provide several important new regulatory protections, and opportunities for lake enthusiasts to get involved at the local level to advance these changes.
    • Wisconsin's shorelands and shallows strategy: protecting our fringe benefits PowerPoint
      For more information about "Safeguarding Our Shorelands for the Future" go to:

    Bret Shaw
    Wednesday, March 31
    Morning Plenary (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    "Marketing Lakeshore Protection"

    Bret Shaw is a faculty member and Environmental Communication Specialist in the Department of Life Sciences Communication. He focuses on Extension/outreach activities related to facilitating campaign development by institutions in Wisconsin dealing with such natural resource management issues as water quality, land use and environmental conservation and assessing the impact of these social marketing campaigns.
    Bret Shaw is also co-editor of “Environmental Communication and Social Marketing,” a newsletter that provides a forum for communication between professionals in the social and natural sciences who share a common interest in promoting behaviors that positively affect the environment.

    Tim Bedore
    Wednesday, March 31
    Morning Plenary (9:00 am - 12:00 pm)

    "The Animal Conspiracy"

    Special guest Tim Bedore, has spent thousands of hours entertaining audiences, first on the radio and then as a comedian, headlining comedy clubs across the country. Tim has kept his hand in the radio business through his radio commentary feature Vague But True®, and will share his take on “The Animal Conspiracy.”

    Wisconsin Lakes Stewardship Banquet & Awards Ceremony Multi-media production

    Wednesday, March 31 - 6:00 pm

    Please join us in celebrating the 2010 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award winners and new nominees at our banquet and awards ceremony on Wednesday evening. The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the annual Lake Stewardship Awards to recognize the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts to protect and improve our lakes. People are nominated for Stewardship Awards by their peers — what a meaningful way to say, “Thank you!” to the people in your community who work so hard to care for our lakes. Winners of these awards join a select group of women, men, students, and organizations whose unmatched dedication, vision, and commitment ensure that Wisconsin’s legacy of lakes will be safe and secure for generations to come. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into securing a bright future for Wisconsin’s lakes. Don’t miss this opportunity to pay tribute to all those who are doing extraordinary things for Wisconsin’s lakes.
    Also, this year's multi-media production, titled "Welcome to the Neighborhood," will be shown during the awards ceremony.

    Evening Entertainment - Movies that move us...

    Wednesday, March 31 - 8:00-10:00 pm

    The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership has selected several top award-winning films from the International Wildlife Film Festival to present at the 2010 Wisconsin Lakes Convention. The International Wildlife Film Festival and Media Center, located in Missoula, Montana, was established in 1977 and is the longest running event of its kind in the world. This festival features films from around the world that are entertaining, and excel in scientific accuracy and educational value.

    Dr. Natalie Schoch
    Thursday, April 1
    Lunch (Closing) Speaker - (12:00-1:30 pm)

    "Leading in a Time of Change: A Futurist's Approach"

    At times it seems that the pace of change is so fast we’d like to stop and catch our breath. Yet there is no stopping—the future is where we all are headed and every moment takes us forward into that uncharted territory. Most of us have little training in thinking about the future and hope is not a strategy. However, there are a number of futures tools that can help us as we make the decisions that will create our future. Join Natalie Schoch, Director of Knowledge Management and Trends at the Kellogg Company, for a discussion about the future and some tips and tools that can help us create the future we desire.

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