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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2010 Convention Archive

Concurrent Sessions II

March 31, 2010
1:45-3:15 pm

Water Quality and Ecological Health along our Waterways

Protecting Our Shorelines with Natives and Engineered Solutions

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Integration of Native plants in shoreline restoration thru the use of new technologies like the EnviroLok vegetated and Prairie Sod Systems. These new technologies allow slow growing natives to establish and thrive in today's artificial high energy lake and stream conditions while improving the health and quality of the critical littoral zone.
Presenter: Mark Doudlah, Agrecol Corporation

Finding the Shared Vision: Working with Landowners to Achieve their Perfect Shoreline

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

The presentation will cover the process of creating a beautiful shoreline from the vision of the landowner and the ideas of the professional. Lisa will cover points landowners should consider when planning their shoreline planting as well as tips from the experienced consultant to create ease in maintenance, increased visual appeal, and greater success of the project. Included will be recommendations for finding a professional consultant to meet your needs whether it's for design or installation of your shoreline restoration. Before and after pictures of projects will be included to further illustrate how the process comes to fruition.
Presenter: Lisa J. Reas, LJ Reas Environmental Consulting Corporation

Lake Projects: The Engineer's Perspective

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Engineers traditionally define a project through a linear and usually logical process: description of the problem, identification of project goals and criteria for selecting an appropriate solution, developing and ranking alternatives to address the problem, and finally, selection of the best alternative to solve the problem. This well-defined problem solving process does not necessarily lend itself well to lake projects, where numerous stakeholders can have greatly varying perceptions of the problems, priorities, and modes of operation. Usually, lakes are not just physical, ecological, economic, and aesthetic resources; they often represent the very reason why a community came into being. This sense of identity with a water resource fosters a strong ownership interest in the fate of the resource, which can vary considerably depending on an individuals or groups perspective and uses of the resource. This set of circumstances means that the engineer risks an unsatisfactory outcome unless they carefully listen to the range of opinions available and develop possible solutions using good science and engineering, all while keeping their client, who often has their own opinion on what the solution is, informed and participatory. Thus, communication and even education by the engineer is a very important part of lake projects. The experiences of Montgomery Associates on a variety of lake projects suggests that planning for significant, collaborative stakeholder involvement at the beginning and throughout a lake project results in more successful projects. In the short term, this can increase the cost of the project, however the odds of finding feasible and mutually agreeable solutions are greatly enhanced.
Presenter: Jeffrey M. Hruby, P.E., Montgomery Associates: Resource Solutions, LLC

New Knowledge on Shorelands & Shallows

Structural Habitat in Littoral Zones, Development of Habitat Fingerprints and Sampling Intensity Guidelines for Small Lakes

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Littoral zones can be structurally diverse both among and within lakes, providing a wide array of habitat for aquatic organisms. However, little work has been done to assess littoral zone structure and integrate findings into generalized management applications. In particular, research is lacking on the complexity of littoral zone habitats and how typologies can provide frameworks for lake and fisheries management. Despite the importance of littoral zone habitats and our lack of quantitative and qualitative knowledge, human alteration of littoral zone structure continues as human development in riparian areas increases. The objective of this study is to create multi-dimensional littoral zone fingerprints of lakes in order to display structural habitat composition and to explore applications and metrics for classification. We quantified littoral zone habitat in north temperate lakes along transects from shore to 3-meter depth: depth, size and percent substrate cover, macrophytes, and coarse woody structure were measured using snorkel gear. Multi-dimensional ordinations, or fingerprints, of habitat features display the variation in habitat occurring within and among lakes. Results indicate that fingerprints reveal clear patterns of littoral zone habitat, variation in habitat structure among lakes, and rare habitats within lakes. Applications of fingerprints for fisheries management may elucidate available structural habitat for fish communities. Defined fingerprint patterns can also aid in lake management by identifying common, rare, simple, and complex habitats. The potential exists for classification, protection, and restoration of littoral zone habitats in lakes.
Presenter: Sara Schmidt, Division of Natural Resources Manager, Ho-Chunk Nation and former University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point graduate student with Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit 

Quantifying the Ecological Benefits of Lakeshore Restoration in Northern Wisconsin

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Planned development has the potential to alter a lake’s ecological processes and integrity. Studies have documented negative changes to the flora and fauna in Vilas County, Wisconsin due to housing developments. Attend this session to learn about Dan Haskell’s research examining the previously unstudied effects of residential development on the abundance and diversity of medium to large-bodied mammals using lakeshore ecosystems. This study is one of the first of its kind in the area and continuing to document the degree of change in subsequent years will provide insight into the way the local ecosystem functions and how ecological communities are structured.
Presenter: Dan Haskell, Wisconsin Lakeshore Restoration Project Leader, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Waterfront History, Policy and Regulation

Chapter 30 Permits: Protecting Our Lakes with Sound Development Practices

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Wisconsin's public water regulations have been in place for decades. The program is founded on the Public Trust Doctrine, the body of law made by the Wisconsin Legislature and the courts that guides how the WDNR protects public rights in navigable waters. For projects in or near a waterway or wetland, Chapter 30 permits help provide step-by-step instructions on how to complete development activities in a sound manner that protects the natural scenic beauty, water quality and wildlife habitat of our waterways. Come learn from water regulations and zoning specialist Martye Griffin about how projects get permitted and some of the steps involved in the process. He will help property owners in thinking about what information to consider when you are collecting and submitting permit application materials and planning your project timeline.
Presenter: Martye Griffin, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

Care and Feeding of Zoning Departments and Officials for Good Shoreline Protection

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

The state entrusts the implementation and enforcement of the State's Administrative rule NR115--Wisconsin's Shoreland Protection Program to the counties. Under NR115, each county is required to adopt a shoreland zoning ordinance that implements at least the state's minimum standards--many go above and beyond. County Boards, Zoning Departments, Zoning Committees, and Boards of Adjustment are the significant players in good shoreland protection. Good lake advocacy by riparians and lake users rests on understanding how these bodies function and how to interact with them. This talk will discuss the care and feeding of shoreline zoning departments and officials, what it takes to become an effective shoreline advocate, and what can be done to maximize shoreline protection. Washburn County experience will be presented as an example of a successful advocacy program.
Presenter: Earl Cook, President, Wisconsin Association of Lakes (WAL)

County Lake Classification: A Tool to Guide Shoreland Zoning

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Lake classification is a funding opportunity through the DNR Lakes Grants Program to help counties tailor local land and water management programs to the needs of specific groups of waters. To date most of the counties that have completed classification projects have chosen shoreland management as their primary focus and improving shoreland zoning regulations as their key management strategy. Some counties are instead using their classification projects to guide watershed and countywide lake planning efforts. This talk will highlight ways that counties can use lake classification to learn more about their water resources and establish more progressive shoreland management policies that will better protect local resources. We’ll look at examples from a number of counties to explore shoreland development policy options, different ways that counties can use lake classification grants, and tips for conducting successful projects.
Presenter: Susan Tesarik, Education Director, Wisconsin Association of Lakes (WAL)

Economics of Shoreland Management

RSVP – Big Green Lake’s Shoreland Restoration Incentive Program

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

In this session, Charlie Marks will provide the audience with an overview of Big Green Lake's Shoreland Restoration Incentive Program. Big Green's RSVP Program provides incentives for waterfront property owners to work with local certified RSVP contractors to restore their riparian areas to a native and natural shoreland area. In addition to restoring shoreland areas, RSVP also aims to inform and educate riparian owners as well as the public on the benefits of native/natural restored shoreland areas.
Presenter: Charlie Marks, Green Lake Sanitary District Director

Restoring Wisconsin Shorelands with Your Local County Land & Water Department: Funding Opportunities, Incentives, and Technical Expertise

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Do you need ideas or funding? Wisconsin County Land & Water Conservation Departments have a number of tools and resources available to assist you in restoring your shoreland property. Learn about opportunities to restore native shoreland habitat, stabilize erosion, and manage runoff through a rain garden or infiltration practice. Financial incentives and technical assistance available through counties across Wisconsin will be covered.
Presenter: Mary Jo Gingras, County Conservationist, Iron County Land and Water Conservation Department

The Land and Water Interface

Lake Puckaway’s Vanishing Act

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Lake Puckaway is a richly productive 5,000 acre shallow lake nestled within the heart of the Fox River watershed. The name Puckaway comes from the Native American term ‘apuckawa’ or wild rice field. And aptly named it was, as wild rice was the dominant emergent least until the last century. In the geologic flash of a firefly, Puckaway’s wild rice fields vanished. The rice’s demise has taken with it water clarity, wildlife, and lake resilience. What happened to the rice? What happened to the clear water? Find out why you should care.
Presenters: Mark Sesing, Lakes and APM Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Derek Kavanaugh, Green Lake Land and Water Con. Dept.

Watershed Protection: Planning & Implementation

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

After decades of excellent water quality, Deer Lake began to exhibit prolonged algae blooms. Using data from an engineering study to look at phosphorus sources, it was determined that most of the loading was coming from agricultural sources delivered through nine large ravines feeding into the lake. By focusing effort on these areas we have been able to reduce phosphorus loading by more than 50%. This effort has energized our property owners to do their part in shoreland restoration.
Presenter: Jim Miller, Vice-President, Deer Lake Conservancy

Human Dimensions of Shorelands and Shallows

Surveys as Tools

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Surveys, when used correctly, can be a powerful tool in gathering information about a variety of topics. Lake groups are increasingly turning to surveys as a way to solicit input from their members but often struggle with developing properly worded questions, effectively administering the survey and analyzing the responses. This session will explore surveys as a tool for gathering information by looking at when their use is appropriate and when another tool, such as interviews or focus groups, might be more useful. The presenters will draw on numerous real survey examples as they explore proper question development, selection of survey recipients, common pitfalls, survey distribution, and analysis of results. Lake groups utilizing DNR grants for survey development are required to follow certain guidelines so the review and approval process will be highlighted. Ample time will be given for questions and answers so if you are considering using a survey in the future, please come and bring your questions.
Presenter: Chad Cook, Fox-Wolf Basin Educator, University of Wisconsin - Extension, Jake Blasczyk, Evaluation Specialist Environmental Resources Center & Presenter, and Jordan Petchenik, WDNR
Presenter: Jake Blasczyk, Evaluation Specialist, Environmental Resource Center

Lake Organization Capacity Building

Shoreland Zoning in Polk County

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

With 437 lakes and 300 miles of river Polk County is "water rich". With tourism being a major industry, and severe development pressure from the Twin Cities metro area, it is imperative that land owners lessen their individual impact on water bodies. Polk county has adopted a Land-use runoff rating to assist land-owners with mitigation efforts. The collaborative effort between the Land & Water Resources Department, Zoning, the Board of Adjustments, and the citizenry has made steps in the right direction.
Presenter: Jeremy Williamson, Polk County Land and Water Conservation Department

Restoring Riparian Buffers in Adams County

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Chris Murphy, Adams County Conservationist, will present a PowerPoint program describing the recently revised sections of the Adams County Shoreland Protection Ordinance pertaining to riparian buffer restoration compliance and other riparian buffer restoration activities.
Presenter: Chris Murphy, County Conservationist, Adams County Land and Water Conservation Department

Working with Citizens for Healthy Shorelands

The Casual Volunteer: A Beginner’s Look at the Citizen Lake Monitoring Network (CLMN) and Clean Boats, Clean Waters (CBCW) Program

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Are you concerned about aquatic invasive species (AIS)? Are you interested in protecting your lake from invasives? Have you wondered how to go about monitoring your lake for invasives? Do you wonder what is involved in being a CLMN volunteer or CBCW watercraft inspector? Then this session is for you! Join us at this aquatic invasive species program overview and find out how you can get involved in monitoring and education as a “casual volunteer”. We will cover the basics of how to prevent the spread of AIS, share AIS identification tips, and explain what to do if you suspect that you have found an invasive plant or animal. If you find that you want to be more than a casual volunteer, you can join the CLMN and CBCW networks and learn more in-depth protection and monitoring details. These more thorough training sessions are offered statewide annually. So, come dip your toes into these two AIS activities and see if you would like to jump into the AIS waters!
Presenters: Laura Herman, CLMN Educator, UW-Extension Lakes and Erin McFarlane, Aquatic Invasive Species Volunteer Coordinator, UW-Extension Lakes

Aquatic Invasive Species

Wisconsin’s Wetland Gems

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

In 2009, Wisconsin Wetlands Association announced the designation of Wisconsin's Wetland Gems. Wetland Gems are high quality habitats that represent the wetland riches -- marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, and more -- that historically made up nearly a quarter of Wisconsin's landscape. 93 of the 100 Wetland Gems sites are distributed throughout the state and include examples of all of Wisconsin's wetland community types, including wetlands associated with lake systems. An additional seven "Workhorse Wetland Gems" illustrate how wetlands deliver priceless services such as flood attenuation, water quality protection, and fish and wildlife habitat. Our purpose in promoting Wetland Gems is to increase appreciation for these precious resources, and to encourage increased protection, funding success, visitation, and volunteerism to these 100 Wetland Gems sites. This presentation will discuss why Wisconsin Wetlands Association developed this initiative, how the Wetland Gems sites were selected, and the work we are doing to continue to protect and promote these natural treasures.
Presenter: Katie Beilfuss, Outreach Programs Director, Wisconsin Wetlands Association

Land Use and Wetlands

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

The health and beauty of our lakes depends greatly on how wetlands are protected and restored at the local level. This presentation will discuss content of the Wisconsin Wetlands Associations new publication, "A Local Decision Makers Guide to Wetland Conservation." It will help lake leaders discover how wetlands contribute to the economic health, public safety, and quality of life in Wisconsin’s communities, how local land use decisions intersect with the federal and state wetland permit process, and practical steps that communities can take to improve wetland protection and restoration at the local level. The session will wrap up with a discussion of ways that citizens and lake leaders can help educate local land use decision makers about the benefits of protecting and restoring wetlands.
Presenter: Kyle Magyera , Wetland Policy Specialist, Wisconsin Wetlands Association

Reversing the Loss: A Strategy to Protect, Restore and Explore Wisconsin Wetlands

Wednesday 1:45-3:15 pm

Sixteen conservation organizations and governmental agencies came together in 2008 to create a collective vision for Wisconsin wetlands. "Reversing the Loss - A Strategy to Protect, Restore and Explore Wisconsin Wetlands" charts a course these Wisconsin Wetland Team members will follow to achieve that collective vision, and invites other groups and citizens who want to help protect and restore these valuable natural resources. To achieve their vision for Wisconsin wetlands the Wetland Team developed a 2008-2010 Action Plan to help guide and prioritize their work over the next two years. At the end of two years the team will evaluate progress toward achieving the plans eight goals and prepare a biennial report summarizing accomplishments. Come learn how you can help by getting involved.
Presenter: Cherie Hagen, Division of Watershed Management, Lakes and Wetlands Section, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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