​​​Welcome! As part of Academic Affairs, ​the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) offers services to UWSP faculty and staff regarding grants, contracts, and research endeavors. We work closely with agency stakeholders and UW personnel to review and submit proposals to external sponsors and accept funding on behalf of the University for research, instruction, and other sponsored activities. We support the grant-seeking and research communities by providing guidance on grants and research compliance to enhance investigators' abilities to receive and manage world-class granting and research opportunities.

​​​​​​Applying for a Grant? We're here to help! Please route to our office at least 10 days ahead of grant deadline through WISPER using the Reference Guide in order to obtain the multiple approvals necessary before final submission. Review and prepare list of required attachments before routing record. Thank you!

   Find Funding         How to Submit              Forms                Resources & 
                                  A Grant                                                 Policies

      FAQ's &              Award Setup            Research 
    Institutional                                           Compliance

Grant Writing W​​ebinars from WiSys​

​WiSys is an independent nonproft supporting organization of the UW System. WiSys Grant Writing Webinar Series encourages UW System grantseekers to cultivate grant writing skills, connect with WiSys grant writing experts and create new funding opportunites for their work. These webinars are free and open for registration to all UW campuses and for any discipline.

WiSys Grant Writing Webinars_General_2022-2023.jpg

2024-25 Webinar Series

Below are the upcoming topics in ​​​this year's series. Visit WiSys' website for webinar registration links. Past webinar recordings are available to view here: On-Demand Webinars - WiSys


Award Management

Thursday, March 13, 2025: 1:00-1:45 pm

Congratulations--your proposal was successful! Now what? Learn about how to navigate the world of post-award management so you can stay abreast of reporting and other requirements.

​Funding for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Wednesday, April 2, 2025: 1:00-1:45 pm

Funding opportunities can be found in countless fields and disciplines, including within the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts. This webinar will cover basic resources for identifying funding sponsors that can support your research, scholarship, and creative activities, as well as select profiles of fund​ers and opportunities.

A Guide to Getting Industry-Sponsored and Private Funding

*New date* Wednesday, April 9, 2025: 12:00-1:00 pm

Government funding isn’t your only option. This panel discussion will give you an overview of private foundations and industry-sponsored research. Panelists include UW-Stevens Point's Dr. Paul Fowler, Executive Director at the Wisconsin Institute for Sustainable Technology , and Dr. Steve Ricke, Director of the Meat Science and Animal Biologics Discovery Program at UW - Madison, who will share their insights about getting industry sponsored funding.


Funding Focus: NSF’s Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Sites Program

Thursday, April 24, 2025: 2:00-3:00 pm

This panel discussion will explore NSF’s REU Sites program, which provides funding for small groups of undergraduates to work with faculty on research projects. See if this program is right for you and get tips for a successful application.​

​​​​Quick Links:

Contact us: orsp@uwsp.edu

Emily Knutson - Grants and Compliance Specialist
Heidi O'Brien - Grants and Contracts Manager. 715-346-2632
Katie Jore - Associate Vice Chancellor for Personnel, Budget, and Grants. 715-346-3710
(functions as Director of ORSP)​