Week of February 17, 2025 – 5th Week of the Semester
- Remember to keep yourself healthy. Get plenty of rest, drink your water, and eat nutritious foods. If you do get sick, make sure to check out UWSP Health Services. Your student fees include many services they provide. Medications for acute illness or injury are provided at no additional cost to the student. These include most medications such as antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, creams, ointments, over-the-counter medications, etc. (with a few exceptions).
- Professional Education Program applications are due this week Friday by 4:30. If you have questions about applying talk to an adviser!
Summer and Fall Registration InformationThe Summer schedule is in accesspoint in your “Search for Classes” tile for course information. More information on summer registration can be found below. School of Education undergraduate summer courses offered this summer (see your planning sheets for pre-reqs). Many more courses are being offered by other departments. Summer registration begins on March 24. More information later in this newsletter. You DO NOT need adviser permission to take a summer course.
ECED 368 (also offered fall semesters)
EDUC 135 (this course is an “Arts” Gen Ed)
EDUC 308 (1-3 credits – elective)
EDUC 335 (this course is an “Arts” Gen Ed)
EDUC 351 (also offered fall and spring)
EDUC 385 (must have EDUC 381 completed to take this course – offered summers/winterims only)
PHED 250 (also offered fall and spring; NOT required for Phy Ed Majors)
PHED 302 (summer only; only for Phy Ed Majors)
Schedule of Classes
- Currently available in accesSPoint.
Shopping Carts and Registration Times set
- Mid-February (Double check on AcceSPoint)
Summer Registration
- March 24: Degree seeking students
- April 3: Open enrollment
Fall Schedule of Classes Published
- Friday, March 7 (end of the day)
Shopping Carts and Registration Times set
Fall Registration Timeline
- Students are assigned a registration time, based on credits earned. Registration times will be available in acceSPoint in March.
- Below is an approximate timeline of registration appointments for Fall term.
April 15: Degree-seeking and non-degree seeking graduate students
April 15-17: Senior undergraduates
Aril 17-22: Junior undergraduates
April 23-25: Sophomore undergraduates
April 25-30: Freshmen undergraduates
May 1: Non-degree seeking undergraduates
May 2: Open enrollment
April 19 & 26: Incoming transfer students
May 20: Incoming FYS students begin registering. ACAC will provide additional info.
Professional Education Program Application Deadline, 4:00pm Friday, February 21
Admission to the Program is required for several courses you must take. Missing this deadline could extend your time in school.
The deadline to apply to the Professional Education Program for the spring 2024 semester is 4:00pm Friday, February 21. NOTE: a deadline is not the only day to turn in an application, it is the last day. Please do not wait until the deadline to apply as it takes time to process them all. Only completed applications will be accepted. Directions on applying can be found in this Newsletter under Announcements and in your SOE Advising Guide as well as on
our website.
Remember, some majors and minors require additional items to be submitted to the Department of the major and the application and required criminal background check must be received by our office. For more information on additional requirements, see
our website.
Not sure if you should apply? Check out the requirements in your advising guide or
our website. If you have a graduation plan, you should check that. We can only accept applications from those who meet all requirements to apply. Reach out to an adviser if you have other questions.
What is a Degree Progress Report and Why Is It important for me to check it regularly?
You can find your degree progress report in accesspoint under DEGREE PROGRESS. Once you open it, click VIEW AS .PDF. You will be able to see all of your credits required, what general ed requirements you are meeting and those not yet satisfied, then you will see all of your course requirements and GPAs for the programs you have indicated. It is important to be checking this after you register every semester and then again when your grades are posted every semester.
Dropping and Adding Courses
Withdrawing or adding a 16 week course February 1-April 5 requires
special permission and withdrawals result in a "W" on your transcript, which does not affect your GPA. There is a Late Drop and Late Add form in your accesspoint FORMS tile and you must use this in order to accomplish this. The last day to withdraw from a course is Friday, April 4.