​School of Education Weekly Newsletter

Reminder - Education majors are required to read this weekly newsletter!

Week of March 24: Welcome to Week 9

Welcome back after spring break!  Mother Nature did not get the message that it is supposed to be SPRING!

Summer Registration is now open!  If you are currently enrolled in Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, or Physical Education you should already have a grad plan to follow.  (If you do not have a grad plan, call 715-346-2040 to schedule an appointment with an advisor.) 

If you plan on taking classes this summer, it is very important that you find your Registration Appointment in accesspoint now.  Registering late can affect your ability to get into courses.  If you miss your appointment, you should register as fast as possible.  Do not wait until Open Enrollment.

Fall registration starts April 14 and appointments are based on credits completed towards graduation.  The fall schedule is now available.  In case changes to your class choices change, if you already put a schedule into your shopping cart, you may want to check to make sure nothing has changed.  Fall registration appointments are available in accesspoint under My Classes.  Make sure you check now and get it in your calendar.  Look at the specific date and time and NOT the “open enrollment date.”  Registering late will affect your ability to get into classes.  

Another reminder that the W-drop deadline for semester courses is next Friday, April 4th.

We are here to support you.  Reach out for help anytime!

Have a great week!

​Summer and Fall Registration Information
The Summer schedule is in accesspoint in your “Search for Classes” tile for course information.  More information on summer registration can be found below. School of Education undergraduate summer courses offered this summer (see your planning sheets for pre-reqs).  Many more courses are being offered by other departments.  Summer registration begins on March 24. More information later in this newsletter. You DO NOT need adviser permission to take a summer course.

ECED 368 (also offered fall and spring ​semesters)
EDUC 135 (this course is an “Arts” Gen Ed)
EDUC 308 (1-3 credits – elective)
EDUC 335 (this course is an “Arts” Gen Ed)
EDUC 351 (also offered fall and spring)
EDUC 385 (must have EDUC 381 completed to take this course – offered summers/winterims only)
PHED 250 (also offered fall and spring; NOT required for Phy Ed Majors)
PHED 302 (summer only; only for Phy Ed Majors)

Summer Registration

Schedule of Classes
  • Currently available in accesSPoint.
Shopping Carts and Registration Times set
  • Monday, February 24
Summer Registration
  • March 24: Senior undergraduates, degree-seeking graduate students (8 a.m.) and non-degree seeking graduate students (12 p.m.)
  • March 25: Junior undergraduates and graduate student open enrollment
  • March 26: Sophomore undergraduates
  • March 27: Freshmen undergraduates and non-degree seeking undergraduate students
  • April 3: Open enrollment 

Fall Registration

Fall Schedule of Classes Published
  • Friday, March 7 (end of the day) 
Shopping Carts and Registration Times set
  • Monday, March 10
Fall Registration Timeline
  • Students are assigned a registration time, based on credits earned. Below is an approximate timeline of registration appointments for Fall term. 
April 14: Degree-seeking and non-degree seeking graduate students
April 14-16: Senior undergraduates 
Aril 16-27 & 21: Junior undergraduates
April 22-24: Sophomore undergraduates
April 28-30: Freshmen undergraduates
April 30: Non-degree seeking undergraduates
May 1: Open enrollment 
May 19: Incoming FYS students begin registering. ACAC will provide additional info. 

Incoming transfer students and students returning to UWSP will be assigned a registration time, based on the number of credits earned, following the dates/classifications above.


Missed the deadline for the Professional Education Program Application?
Watch for an email from “Education Office” with directions on how to apply to the program late. 

What is a Degree Progress Report and Why Is It important for me to check it regularly?

You can find your degree progress report in accesspoint under DEGREE PROGRESS.  Once you open it, click VIEW AS .PDF.  You will be able to see all of your credits required, what general ed requirements you are meeting and those not yet satisfied, then you will see all of your course requirements and GPAs for the programs you have indicated.  It is important to be checking this after you register every semester and then again when your grades are posted every semester.

Dropping and Adding Courses

Withdrawing or adding a 16 week course February 1-April 5 requires special permission and withdrawals result in a "W" on your transcript, which does not affect your GPA.  There is a Late Drop and Late Add form in your accesspoint FORMS tile and you must use this in order to accomplish this.  The last day to withdraw from a course is Friday, April 4.

​Meeting with a School of Education Adviser

If you would like to meet with an education adviser, please either call our office, 715-346-2040, or stop by, 469 College of Professional Studies to set this up.  We do not set up appointments via email or in Navigate.

Maggie Beeber – all teaching majors and teacher licensing questions
Breanna Cychosz – ECE, Elementary and Special Education
Karla Landwer – Physical Education and Secondary/K-12 majors
  • ​Maggie will only be offering Open Advising during the busy weeks of registration.
  • All students who have not attended a teaching intent meeting, which is mandatory, have received an email from Breanna Cychosz asking you to sign up for this meeting.  Please sign up right away if you receive this email.
Please have the following available to you for any meetings:
  • ​Printed Major/minor planning sheets you have already received
  • Printed Graduation Plan (if you have one) if meeting with an advisor in-person
  • Printed Up-to-date Degree Progress Report from accesSPoint (choose Degree Progress, then “Open as .PDF,” then print). 

Tutoring Available through the Tutoring Learning Center (TLC)

The TCL offers a variety of tutoring opportunities, which you can find on their website.
  • Workshop Schedule
  • Academic Coaching
  • STEM Tutoring
  • Reading in the Disciplines 
  • Study skills
  • Technology Essentials
  • World Languages
  • Writing Center (they can help you clean up a draft of any paper you are writing)
  • Additional Services​

​Other Resources you should link as favorites in your browser:

Get Involved

We highly recommend that all teaching intent students are involved in at least one student organization involved in teacher education each year.  You will be invited to their meetings through this newsletter and some through your email as well.  This is a great way to stand out among your peers when you are applying for jobs.  Many students are involved every year they are in school and that is your competition!  Most meet one hour per month.  Take a look at UWSP Campus and Student Engagement Office where you can find student organizations to join and job and volunteer opportunities, as well as SPIN​.  ​
  • Click above for ​Appointment directions

Meeti​​ngs & Events​​​​​​​​​​​



  • ACTFL OPIc and WPT Preparation

  • Praxis Subject Assessment Flashcards

  • Praxis Subject Assessment Study Guides 

  • Foundations of Reading Test for WI Preparation

  • Writing Workshop​


  • Looking for a Teaching Job?​

  • Northern Ireland with the Young Ambassador Program​

  • The Connection Co. Educate + Advocate Scholarship Fund

  • ​UW-Stevens Point's Scholarship Portal​

  • CAST Certificate

  • The Council for Exceptional Children-Membership​​

  • FoRT Tutoring

  • FoRT Scholarship

  • Interested in Teaching Abroad Next Year?

  • Early Childhood Educators (Newsletter​​​)

  • Financial Aid

  • Exceptions Application Deadline - February 7
  • Professional Education Application Deadlines - February 21​
  • Puzzles of UWSP

  • Summer/winter education courses