Point Music Camp
June 8 - 12, 2025
UW-Stevens Point Campus
Camps, Fine Arts, See Marshfield Offerings, See Stevens Point Offerings, See Wausau Offerings

​​Sunday, June 8 - Thursday, June 12, 2025  

UW-Stevens Point - School of Performing Arts


Point Music Camp is held each summer at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point School of Performing Arts 
and is intended for students entering grades 9-12 as well as students graduating this spring.

Attend this great camp to gain valuable experiences, learn new techniques, and develop long-lasting friendships while experiencing our inspiring university.

Work hard! 

Our mission is to develop and nurture 9-12 grade musicians by helping them discover new literature, techniques, and ideas while fostering confidence and enthusiasm. Instructors include many UW-Stevens Point Department of Music Faculty Artists to ensure the best learning environment for students who are serious about music. Learn more about the faculty here.

Try something new! 

Learn about the great Hollywood film scores. Participate in an informal music-making class or take a beginning improvisation class.

Immerse Yourself! 

Each student receives instruction on their primary instrument each day in studio and master classes.

Have Fun!

Perform on a talent show. Try out yoga for the first time or go on a trip to the Schmeekle Reserve to enjoy nature and read poems. Are you a night owl? Play Zombie night tag in the Noel Fine Arts Center. Go on an ice cream run to Belt's or play board games with other campers and counselors. 

Whether you are an instrumentalist, a vocalist, a composer or a pianist,

Point Music Camp is the place to be this summer! 

For program questions, information, or ​help with CampDoc registration, please email uwspce-youth@uwsp.edu​​​ ​or call 715-346-2023.​

​Registration Information

The email you register with, is the email we will send camp information to. Please use an email you check often.

Register prior to February 19, 2025 and save $25.  Use promo code: EARLY25​

2025 Registration is now open. Registration closes March 19, 2025.


Registration Fee:

Commuters (not staying overnight): $425 
  • Includes classes, materials, and lunch only on campus
Optional Add On Fees:
  • Residental Camper staying in dorms - Includes classes, materials, all meals for stay, and lodging for a double room - add on $100
  • Residental Camper staying in dorms - Includes classes, ​​materials, all meals for stay and lodging request for single room/no roommate - add on  $215
  • Point Music Camp T-shirt: add on $10 (be sure to include tshirt size on registration)
  • Parking Permit for campers who will have a car in a lot: add on $28
  • Dorm Room Fridge: add on $50

An "early bird" coupon will be available for $25 off your registration total.

You must be able to provide the campers emergency contact, health history, current medications (if any), immunizations, insurance, and health care providers at the time of registration. Parents can also select authorizations for the youth.


If you are expe​cting a scholarship through your school or your community or would like more information about camp scholarships, please email uwspce-youth@uwsp.edu​ and use "Scholarsh​ip Applicant" in the subject line​.​

Click below for Scholarship forms:​

Internal UWSP Scholarship Application​

External Scholarship Submission​

Registration Information

Registration fees:
  • Registration Fee:

    Base price for Commuters: $400 
    • Includes classes, materials, and lunch only on campus
    Residential Campers: Add additional $100 for lodging
    • Includes classes, materials, all meals and dorm lodging
    Optional Add On Fees:
    • Request  for Single Dorm/No Roommate: $104
    • Parking Permit for Commuters: $24

    Minimal Deposit Required at time of registration: $100                            $25 Early Bird Discount on registration

Final Payment

Final payment is due by Wednesday, June 30, 2021. If you have not paid for your registration, you may do so by calling UW-Stevens Point Continuing Education at 715-346-3838, Tuesday and/or Thursday, 12:30-4:30 p.m. to pay by credit card.

Checks can be made payable and sent to:

UW-Stevens Point
Continuing Education and Outreach
2100 Main St., 032 Main Bldg.
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Additional Camp Information

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Parental Consent Requirement (Required forms MUST be returned to UWSP for child to attend camp)

Through Continuing Education’s registration process, we collect parental online contact information (name, phone, email) to obtain your consent for your child/ward to attend our virtual camp. Your consent is required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information collected from your child/ward. Continuing Education will not collect, use, or disclose any personal information from your child without parental consent. In addition to your child’s/ward’s first and last name, we collect the following information:

  • Home address
  • Mobile phone number (if applicable)
  • Birthdate of child
  • Age of child
  • Gender
  • School attending
  • Grade in school

To provide verifiable consent, the following forms need to be reviewed, printed, signed, and returned to Continuing Education by mail, fax, or electronic scan.

1. UW-Stevens Point Program Expectations and Parental Permission

2. Agreement for Assumption of Risk, Indemnification, Release, Precollege and Youth Virtual/Remote Program.

If returning by mail: UWSP-Continuing Education, 2100 Old Main Bldg., Room 032, Stevens Point WI 54481
If returning by fax: 715-346-3504
If returning by electronic scan: email Continuing Education at uwspceweb@uwsp.edu

If Continuing Education does not receive the two consent forms by June 30, 2021, we will delete your online contact information from our records, and your child will not be registered for camp. No refunds will be allowed for failure to provide the appropriate consent forms. 

To review our privacy policies, click here.

 Choose from the following primary instruments/areas

  • Clarinet
  • Flute
  • Saxophone
  • Trumpet
  • Viola
  • Violin
  • Voice
  • Piano 
  • Percussion
  • Trombone
  • Euphonium
  • Tuba
  • Cello
  • Bassoon

 Explore Electives

Electives Offered:

​Music Theory

Become familiar with the building blocks of music: key signatures, intervals, chords and more!

Beginning Jazz Improvisation

In this elective class, we will approach improvisation as a means to creative freedom without the fear of "wrong" notes. These skills can be applied to any musical environment, including jazz, classical, pop, rock, and more. Learn how to craft your own musical ideas and melodies!

Art of Solo Performer

​Do you get nervous performing for Solo and Ensemble? Practice performing on stage in front of a supportive and encouraging audience.  ​​

Movie Music ​

Watch and listen! Learn about the composers and music from some of Hollywood's great film scores with Dr. Rachel Neece.

 Daily Schedule

Daily Schedule

Sunday Schedule

12-2:30 p.m.
Arrival, Check-In
3-5 p.m.
Counselor-led Activities
5:00 pm                                    
​7:00 p.m.

Meeting NFAC 270

Instrumental Schedule: Monday-Wednesday​

​8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
Instrumental Ensemble or Choir
​10:20 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Lunch and Break
​12:30 p.m.
​1:30 p.m.
​Woodwind, String, Brass, and Percussion Master Classes Meet
2:30 p.m.
Instrumental Specific Studio Classes Meet
​3:30 p.m.
Counselor-Led Activities and Games or Supervised Practice Time
​5:00 p.m.

Fun Scheduled Activities

Piano Schedule: Monday-Wednesday​​

8:00 a.m.
​9:15 a.m.
​Instrumental Ensemble or Choir
​10:20 a.m.
​11:30 a.m.
​Lunch Break

​12:30 p.m.
​1:30 p.m.
​Classical Piano Studio and lessons
​2:30 p.m.
​​Classical Piano Studio and lessons
​3:30 p.m.
​Counselor-led Activities and Games or Supervised Practice Time
​5:00 p.m.

​Fun Scheduled Activities

​Voice Schedule Monday-Wed​nesday

​8:00 a.m.
​9:15 a.m.
​10:20 a.m.
​11:30 a.m.
Lunch Break
​12:30 p.m.
​1:30 p.m.
​Vocal Jazz Studio Class, Classical Voice Studio Classes
​2:30 p.m.
​Vocal Jazz Ensemble
​3:30 p.m.
​Counselor-led Activities and Games or Supervised Practice Time
​5:00 p.m.

​​Fun Scheduled Activities

Thursday Schedule

​8:00 a.m.
9:15 a.m.
​Instrumental Ensemble or Choir
​10:20 a.m.
​11:30 a.m.
Lunch Break
​12:30 p.m.
Sound Checks and Dress Rehearsal
​​​2:00 p.m.
Final Concert
3:30 p.m.
Check out

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Scholarships

Strings Merit-Based Scholarships:
Ten scholarships are available to outstanding strings players! Each merit-based scholarship is $200. Interested students entering grades 9-12 should submit a DVD or video link to Summer.Arts.Camp@uwsp.edu no later than May 1, 2021.
Additionally, a limited number of scholarships are available through the UW-Stevens Point. To apply, students must meet eligibility requirements and submit the required forms to the Continuing Education office at UW-Stevens Point.
School or Community Scholarships 

​Applying for a scholarship through your school or your community? Scholarship applicants need only pay a $10 deposit at time of registration. 

For more information on how to apply, please visit our scholarship page

 Meet our faculty

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Required camp forms

Parental Consent Requirement (Required forms MUST be returned to UWSP for child to attend camp)

Through Continuing Education’s registration process, we collect parental online contact information (name, phone, email) to obtain your consent for your child/ward to attend our virtual camp. Your consent is required for the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information collected from your child/ward. Continuing Education will not collect, use, or disclose any personal information from your child without parental consent. In addition to your child’s/ward’s first and last name, we collect the following information: 1) home address; 2) mobile phone number (if applicable); 3) birthdate; 4) age of child; 5) gender; 6) school attending; and 7) grade in school.

To provide verifiable consent, the following two forms need to be reviewed, signed, printed, and returned to Continuing Education by mail, fax, or electronic scan.

If returning by mail: UWSP-Continuing Education, 2100 Old Main Bldg., Room 032, Stevens Point WI 54481
If returning by fax: 715-346-3504
If returning by electronic scan: email Continuing Education at uwspceweb@uwsp.edu

If Continuing Education does not receive the two consent forms by May 31, 2023, we will delete your online contact information from our records, and your child will not be registered for camp. No refunds will be allowed for failure to provide the appropriate consent forms.

To review our privacy policies, click here.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ FAQs

Point Music Camp requires specific forms to be completed and turned in prior to the start of camp. Your registration is not considered complete until all required forms are received. Please visit our Required Camp Forms webpage for copies of the forms and more specific information. Required camp forms MUST be received by June 1, 2021, to be considered registered for camp. Mail forms to UWSP Continuing Education, 2100 Main Street, Old Main Bldg. Room 032, Stevens Point WI 54481. 

Paragraph temporarily housed here until camp is held on campus.

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Directions

Highway 66 from the West:  
  • Follow Highway 66 east (Clark Street) through four traffic lights 
  • Proceed one more block from the Division Street intersection (Business Hwy 51) to Phillips St. 
  • Turn left on Phillips Street 
  • Park in Lot Q, or north end of lot P
Interstate 39 from the East/North/South:
  • Take the Business Hwy 51 Exit from I-39 (Exit #161) 
  • Follow Business Hwy 51(Division St.) through 3 traffic lights 
  • Turn left on Portage Street 
  • Park in Lot Q, or north end of lot P
Highway 66 from the East:
  • Follow Highway 66 west (Main Street) through seven traffic lights 
  • Proceed four more blocks from the Michigan Avenue intersection to Phillips Street
  • Turn right on Phillips Street 
  • Park in Lot Q, or north end of lot P
​​ ​

Contact Information

The Stevens Point Continuing Education office is open 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Please call 715-346-3838.​

Cancellation Policy

We will follow the UWSP Camp cancellation policy.  Camp insurance may be purchased through CampDoc. No refunds will be given for a student who leaves camp early for any reason. Send written requests to uwspce-youth@uwsp.edu.

Point Music Camp reserves the right to send home, without refund, any camper who fails to behave in an appropriate manner or breaks any local/state/federal laws or camp regulations.


Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least three weeks in advance. 
Please contact Continuing Education at 715-346-3838 or uwspce-youth@uwsp.edu.

Email List