Concurrent Session 6
60 minutes
April 7, 2017 ~ 9:15-10:15 am
Agenda subject to change.
In Pursuit of Boat Wash Stations: Styles, Questions to Consider, and Steps to Take
Many organizations are looking to pair additional action with the Clean Boats, Clean Waters message to protect their waters from aquatic invasive species. Boat wash stations often come to mind and have been a contested topic for several years. This session will help inform if a wash station is the right action for your group. Listen as we present information gathered from numerous agencies throughout the region that have successfully paired this type of boater contact with the state AIS message. You will leave knowing the base questions to answer before investing your own time and money into these projects.
Krista Kamke, Code Enforcement Officer, Green Lake County
Forming Partnerships to Support the Battle Against Aquatic Invasive Species in Washington and Waukesha Counties
The battle against AIS is in full force in Southeast WI. Bordering Lake Michigan and having the largest population density in the State make the task to control AIS daunting. Brad Steckart, Washington and Waukesha AIS Coordinator will describe how he has managed to work with many local partners to secure a strong foothold in the fight against aquatic hitchhikers and share some success stories.
Brad Steckart, Aquatic Invasive Species Coordinator, Washington and Waukesha Counties
Hot Topic Update #2: Shoreland Zoning
The Wisconsin Legislature has made major changes in recent years to shoreland zoning that applies to waterfront properties located outside of cities and villages. The Legislature required that the state minimum standards became one-size-fits-all standards, essentially eliminating the higher standards that over 40 counties had adopted. Counties were required to update their ordinances to reflect the one-size-fits-all standards by October 1, 2016. Come hear what counties have done, any further changes by the Legislature in 2017, and what you can do.
Lynn Markham, Shoreland and Land Use Specialist, Center for Land Use Education, UW-Stevens Point
Kay Lutze, Shoreland Zoning Policy Coordinator, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Citizens Engaging Elected Officials
Laura will provide an overview of her involvement in Water Action Volunteers (WAV) Stream Monitoring program, how she has engaged her elected officials in water quality issues, and offer tips and techniques for how best to do this important work.
Laura DeGolier, Water Action Volunteers Citizen Monitor, Team Water Warriors
Send Your Legislator Down the River
The Rock River Coalition hosts an event titled “Send Your Legislator Down the River” that features a river town hall meeting in which citizens and their local, state, and federal elected officials talk about river and watershed issues in the Rock River Basin. Afterwards, participants paddle a section of a river in the Rock River Basin. The presenter will explain how this event has engaged legislators and citizens, and lessons learned after 13 events including how to gain attendance by legislators, scheduling considerations, and other tips to maintaining a signature event.
Patricia Cicero, Water Resource Management Specialist, Jefferson County Land and Water Conservation Department
The Shawano Lake Story
Shawano Area Waterways Management’s Ray Zuelke and Tim Day are joined by Brenda Nordin of our Wisconsin’s Department of Natural Resources sharing their story engaging elected officials. You’ll be interested to hear how representatives from many levels of government became comfortable championing an extremely successful Lake Management Plan.
Brenda Nordin, Water Resource Management Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Tim Day, Board Member, Shawano Area Waterways Management Association & Lake Leader Crew 10
Ray Zuelke, Board Member, Shawano Area Waterways Management Association & Lake Leader Crew 10
A Watershed Approach to the Future of Lakes and Waterways
Creating a desirable future for our lakes, waterways, and communities requires taking a watershed approach. The Water Sustainability and Climate project at UW-Madison took a watershed approach to understand possible futures for the Yahara Watershed and what could be done to build resilience. The implications of their findings have relevance to many Wisconsin watersheds, where people depend on their lands and waters for many different things. In this presentation, members of the project team will present some of their major implications and how they might inform efforts by lake associations. We will also discuss applications for watershed planning.
Jenny Seifert, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist, UW-Extension and WI Department of Natural Resources
Eric Booth, Department of Agronomy & Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, UW-Madison
Wood Turtles: Life History and Research
The wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) is a state-listed threatened species found in forested streams and rivers in Wisconsin. Learn how biologists are investigating the species' ecology and conservation strategies in northern Wisconsin since 2014. Their project has focused on the wood turtle's life history and movement patterns and identifying nesting sites and locations where road crossings put individuals at risk. See how they have experimented with creating and restoring nesting sites, nest protection strategies, and barriers to prevent turtles from entering roadways where they are at risk of mortality. Current project results (population estimates, survival, nest success and hatching rates, and home range analysis), feedback on several different conservation strategies, and new ideas for the project as it moves forward will be shared as well.
Carly Lapin, Conservation Biologist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Martens: Their Dependence on Wetlands and the Iron County Student Project
Deep in the heart of Iron County in Northern Wisconsin, the Iron County Land and Water Conservation Department, along with local high school students, are investigating the linkage between forest types, soils, water, and wildlife. Through hands-on research, the team has been studying Wisconsin’s state endangered American marten and its habitat, home range, and behavior. This session will introduce you to the fascinating natural history of the American marten, as well as a sharing of data collected about marten habitat and the importance of forested wetlands.
Zach Wilson, Conservation Specialist, Iron County Land and Water Department
WDNR Surface Water Grants Updates
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources is in the process of revising the rules that govern the lake, river, and aquatic invasive species grants. Come learn about the proposed updates to this surface water grant program.
Carroll Schaal, Lakes and Rivers Section Chief, WI Department of Natural Resources