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2017 Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention Archive

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Presentation Materials (included in the following agenda)

Wednesday, April 5 - Pre-Convention Workshops and Technical Sessions

​8:00am​Registration Desk Opens
​9:00 am - 12:00pmMorning Workshops(click here for details)
​12:00 pm - 6:00pm​Exhibits Open
​12:00 - 1:30pm​Lunch on your own or pre-register to purchase lunch on-site
​1:30 - 4:30pmAfternoon Workshops(click here for details)
​3:00 - 3:30pmRefreshment Break
​4:45 - 5:45pmSpecial Technical Sessions(click here for details)
​5:45 - 7:00pmNetworking Time - dinner on your own (photos from networking events)
7:00 - 11:00pmWelcome Reception (photos from the event)

Thursday, April 6 - Kickoff Keynote, Concurrent and Poster Sessions,
WAV Symposium, Networking Time and Awards Banquet ​ ​

​6:30 - 7:15am​Sunrise Yoga
​7:30am​Registration Desk Opens
​8:00am - 6:00pm​Exhibits Open
​8:00 - 8:50amConcurrent Sessions 1(click here for details)
​9:00 - 10:45amWelcome, Digital Production & Kickoff Keynote (click here for details)
​11:00am - 12:00pmConcurrent Sessions 2(click here for details)
​12:15 - 1:30pm​Lunch 
​1:45 - 2:25pmConcurrent Sessions 3 (click here for details)
​2:35 - 3:15pmConcurrent Sessions 4 (click here for details)
​3:15 - 3:45pm​Refreshment Break 
​3:30 - 5:00pm ​Poster Presentations & Visit the Exhibitors & Educational Displays (descriptions and contact information) (photos from the event)
​5:00 - 6:00pm​Networking Time/WAV Coordinator Meeting and Supplies Distribution
​6:00 - 8:00pmWisconsin Lake Stewardship Banquet & Awards Ceremony (click here for photos and viedos of winners)
​8:00 - 11:00pm​Networking After Hours

Friday, April 7 - Concurrent Sessions, WAV Symposium, Closing Keynote, Afternoon Workshops ​ ​

​6:30-7:15am​Sunrise Yoga
​7:30amRegistration Desk Opens
​8:00am - 12:00pmExhibits Open
​8:00 - 9:00amConcurrent Sessions 5(click here for details)
​9:15 - 10:15amConcurrent Sessions 6 (click here for details)
​10:15 - 10:45am​Refreshment Break
​10:45 - 11:35amConcurrent Sessions 7 (click here for details)
​11:45am - 1:15pm​Closing Luncheon, WAV Awards (click here for photos) and Closing Keynote(click here for details)
​1:30 - 2:30pmConcurrent Sessions 8 (click here for details)
​3:00 - 4:00pmConcurrent Sessions 9 (click here for details)
​1:30 - 4:30pmAfternoon Workshops (click here for details)
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