Concurrent Session 7
50 minutes
April 7, 2017 ~ 10:45-11:35 am
Agenda subject to change.
Two Stories of Aquatic Plant Management:
Eradication of Eurasian Watermilfoil in Blackhawk Lake, Iowa County
Three colonies of Eurasian watermilfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum; EWM) were found in Blackhawk Lake, a 220-acre recreational impoundment, in 2006. By 2007, EWM had spread around the lake. An aquatic plant management plan was prepared and implemented using a Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Early Detection/Rapid Response grant. Chemical and manual procedures have been used over the years. Learn how DNR aquatic invasive species and Clean Boats, Clean Waters grants have supported biweekly aquatic plant surveys and watercraft inspection and education activities since 2012.
Donna Sefton, Drinking Water Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources and Citizen Volunteer
Laura Spears, Stormwater Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources and Citizen Volunteer
Archibald Lake Flowering Rush Control, 1990-present
Archibald Lake has experimented with a variety of control methods for flowering rush since the middle 1990s. Most recently, they have used a variety of chemicals to scientifically detect the most effective chemical control method. Join us to find out more about flowering rush management and what’s been learned.
Brenda Nordin, Lake Biologist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Steve Fleming, Flowering Rush Project Leader, Archibald Lake Association
Getting Legislators to Engage: Panel of Former Legislators
You're full of passion, ready with facts and persuasive arguments, but just don't know how to get through to your elected officials. Sound familiar? We'll ask a panel of former legislators and elected officials just what made them listen when contacted by their constituents and others. Staying away from the issues themselves, we'll talk frankly about what works, what doesn't, and the ways different legislators react to different types of communication. Join us for a lively conversation!
Moderated by Mike Engleson, Executive Director, Wisconsin Lakes. Legislators to be named.
Next Steps for AIS Monitoring in Wisconsin: Citizens and Staff Combining Efforts
For more than a decade, Wisconsin’s aquatic invasive species (AIS) monitoring program has been supported by a strong network of volunteers and partners. Following completion of robust sampling efforts on lakes and streams, the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and partners now have tools to improve monitoring strategies and expand AIS monitoring support for staff and citizens to increase early detections and enable quicker response. Come hear about what we’ve learned and how DNR and citizens can work together to monitor for AIS through Project Riverine Early Detectors, AIS Snapshot Day, Wisconsin's Citizen Lake Monitoring Network, and the Water Action Volunteer program. You can be a part of the early detection team!
Maureen Ferry, Aquatic Invasive Species Monitoring Lead, WI Department of Natural Resources
Amanda Perdzock, Aquatic Invasive Species Program Director, River Alliance of Wisconsin
Paul Skawinski, Statewide Citizen Lake Monitoring Network Coordinator, UW-Extension Lakes
Peggy Compton, Natural Resources Educator and
Volunteer Stream Monitoring Coordinator, UW-Extension
How Water Quality Shapes the Ecology of the Mississippi River: Where We’ve Been, Where We Are, and Where We Need to Be
This presentation walks the viewer through the beauty, wonder, and mystery of the Mississippi River Ecosystem. It explains where we have been, where are currently, and where we need to be to unlock the potential of this world-class ecosystem.
Shawn Giblin, Water Resources Management Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Beavers: Life History and the New Management Plan
Learn the life history of beavers, the largest rodent in North America. Beavers (Castor canadensis) are native to Wisconsin and can be polarizing. Find out how these interesting critters can be significant ecosystem engineers as they manipulate water levels through building dams and diverting water around lake edges. Highlights will include the 2015–2025 Wisconsin Beaver Management Plan which continues to emphasize resource protection, but does so with concern and care for various user groups. The plan takes into consideration the importance of beaver populations and the value they provide to lakes.
Shawn Rossler, Wildlife Biologist, WI Department of Natural Resources
Looking Forward: New Water Quality Standards for Lakes
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is in the process of updating the state’s water quality standards for lakes. The DNR is proposing two new lake protection metrics that may be the first of their kind in the nation: biological criteria to assess lake health using aquatic plants packaged into an easy-to apply metric and protection of cold-water fish in two-story lakes using a metric that combines both dissolved oxygen and temperature. Additionally, the DNR proposes to codify previous guidance on chlorophyll criteria to protect recreation and aquatic life. Learn about these new directions for protecting lake health, and get a head start on understanding the rules before the public comment period in 2017.
Kristi Minahan, Water Quality Standards Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources