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Wisconsin Lakes Partnership

2010 Convention Archive

Concurrent Sessions I

March 30, 2010
4:15-5:45 pm 

Water Quality and Ecological Health along our Waterways

The New Phosphorus Fertilizer Law: What does it say and what can you do to help?

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Do you know about the new law going into effect in April 2010 that limits the sale and application of fertilizers containing phosphorus on turf across Wisconsin? You’ve probably heard before about the negative effects that phosphorus has on lakes. Attend this session to learn about the basics, nuances and exceptions in this law, and take educational materials back to share with your lake group. After hearing about the educational and enforcement approaches to this law by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, we’ll discuss how lakefront property owners can help with this law.
Presenter: Lynn Markham, UW-Stevens Point/UW-Extension Center for Land Use Education - Land Use Center and Charlene Khazae, Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection (DATCP)

Organic and Low-Maintenance Options for Lawn Care

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Looking for a new way to care for your lawn? Thinking about trying organic, but unsure where to begin? Attend this session to discuss various options ranging from minimal maintenance to high maintenance, with a focus on organic strategies for fertilization and weed control. We will also cover the best types of grasses to plant in Wisconsin adapted to shady areas, dry areas, wet areas, and more. Nutrient losses from various lawn care strategies will be discussed.
Presenter: Doug Soldat, UW-Madison

New Knowledge on Shorelands & Shallows

Ecological Design Principles for Shorelands: Lessons Learned from the Minnesota Experience

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Successful shoreline projects begin by reading and interpreting the site features and dynamics, but what should one take note of and why? Participants in this session will learn how basic ecological principles, restoration experience and bioengineering come together to successfully revegetate shorelands and shallows. Mary Blickenderfer of the University of Minnesota Extension will share several projects from start to finish, demonstrating the use of “workhorse species” and appropriate sequencing.
Presenter: Mary Blickenderfer, Extension Educator, University of Minnesota-Extension

Shorelines That Work: Native Plantings Heal Erosive Water Landscapes and Provide Impressive Visual Appeal

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Lakes and ponds face an onslaught of stressors that threaten to compromise both their beauty as well as their ecological integrity. Fortunately, a partnership is emerging between aquatic ecologists and horticulturists to revisit traditional societal pressures to have neatly manicured turf lakeshores, and instead develop environmentally sensitive landscape strategies that enhance both the aesthetic appeal and ecological function of our aquatic systems.
Of the Chicago Botanic Garden's 385 acres, nearly one-quarter is water including a 60-acre system of lakes with nearly six miles of shoreline. A 1998 study revealed that 80 percent of our lakeshores were experiencing moderate to severe erosion, along with serious water quality problems and degraded aquatic habitat. The Garden began restoring its most critically eroding shorelines in the late 1990s. Over a quarter million plants have been used to vegetate and protect three miles of Garden shoreline. Our planting palette focuses on resilient native "workhorse" species that are carefully chosen for their ability to anchor shoreline soils and withstand environmental stresses inherent to urban waterways. Representing over 150 native taxa, these plants provide form and function throughout the year, and the result has been ecologically functional lakeshore landscapes that offer a widely accepted aesthetic appeal.
Presenter: Robert Kirschner, Director of Restoration Ecology, Chicago Botanic Garden

Waterfront History, Policy and Regulation

100+ Years of Shoreland Development in Wisconsin

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

To understand what the future holds for Wisconsin's stewardship of lakes and shoreland habitats, a look back in time can help gain perspective. Participants in this session will step back in time to explore some the major events since statehood; from the era of the Pinery Boys and lumber barons, to the establishment of State Parks, the advent of the Wisconsin Conservation Commission, the depression and the legacy of the Civilian Conservation Corps, Post WWII recreation boom, to establishment of shoreland zoning, and finally to the "dot-com bubble". We will explore a few of the significant changes in our lakeshores that have resulted form our collective history.
Presenter: Gregg Breese for Paul Cunningham, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Management Specialist

Shoreland Wetland Zoning: The Change After 40 Years

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

To protect our critical shoreland and shallow areas, Wisconsin works in partnership with local governments, citizens, and conservation groups using a variety of measures. Minimum statewide shoreland standards are one tool the State uses to safeguard our shorelands for the future. Forty years after they were first adopted, new state shoreland development rules have been updated to better protect lakes and rivers while allowing property owners more flexibility on their land. Come learn from a veteran water regulations and zoning specialist how these new tools affect you and how you -- or your local organization or government -- can tap into the array of opportunities to protect the lakes and rivers you love.
Presenter: Gregg Breese, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Shorelands team

Economics of Shoreland Management

The Economics of Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Lessons Learned from Several Studies

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

This session will present recent research concerning the economics of lakes with a focus on the value of lakeshore features and amenities. Topics will include the effect of lakeshore zoning ordinances on both lakeshore property values and lakeshore development; the economic cost of aquatic invasive species; and the economic value of such lake features as water clarity, fishing quality, and green frogs Additionally, valuation of (willingness-to-pay for) non-market lake amenities such as milfoil prevention, green frogs, and fishing quality, will be discussed. If time allows, we may talk about migration trends, including how the population and development patterns have changed and likely will change.
Presenter: Bill Provencher, Professor, UW-Madison

Protecting Shorelands Economically: Voluntary Conservation Options for Lake Shore Owners

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Investing in voluntary protection of natural shorelands by lake property owners is both economical and cost effective. Lake organizations, lake leaders and individual landowners can partner with local land trusts to promote preservation of significant stretches of natural shorelines. Attend this session to learn how permanent protection of private shorelands can help to maintain water quality and enhance property values. The presentation will highlight the variety of voluntary conservation options available and possible grant funding opportunities for land and conservation easement acquisitions. Since its inception in 2001, the Northwoods Land Trust has worked to protect over 5,000 acres of woodlands and wetlands, and over 25 miles of lake and river shorelands in a six-county area of northern Wisconsin.
Presenter: Bryan Pierce, Executive Director, Northwoods Land Trust

The Land and Water Interface

Managing Woodlands for Forest Products and Clean Water

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Learn how you can manage your shoreland woodlands and protect water quality. Best management practices (BMPs) provide landowners, foresters and loggers with practical and cost-effective methods to protect water quality in lakes, streams and wetlands. Forestry BMPs for water quality were first developed in 1995 and are currently under review. Highlights of the updates will be reviewed as well as monitoring results from nearly 600 timber sales.
Presenter: Carmen Wagner, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Forest Hydrologist

Management on Your Lakeshore Property

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Nothing is quite as important to the beauty and ecosystem function of your lake shore property as trees. They provide shade, habitat for wildlife, the "northwoods" feel, firewood, beauty, and many other benefits. Managing the trees can be difficult and expensive for lakeshore owners, especially, because trees aren't static. They grow and die and forests change over time. During this session, we'll discuss trees, how forests change, and what landowners can do to keep trees healthy and an important part of your lakeshore property and ecosystem.
Presenter: Jason Fischbach, Ashland and Bayfield County Agriculture Agent, UW-Extension


Human Dimensions of Shorelands and Shallows

POWTS Inventory and Maintenance Reporting Update

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

With revision to Chapter Comm. 83, Wisc. Adm. Code, an added emphasis has been placed on the need to manage all Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (POWTS). This presentation will provide a brief historical tour of rules pertaining to POWTS maintenance and continue with a report out of what progress has been made to date to actively manage all POWTS’s in Wisconsin. In addition to the specific focus on POWTS management, time will be made available to answer questions related to other aspects of the POWTS program.
Presenter: Roman Kaminski, Department of Commerce representative

Sanitary Maintenance Program Overview

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Brown County's experience with the administration and enforcement of the state mandated Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) maintenance program.
Presenter: Bill Bosiacki, Brown County Planning & Land Services Dept.


Lake Organization Capacity Building

Nuts and Bolts of Managing an Effective Non-Profit Organization

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Could you use some tips on how to make your lake association more effective and sustainable? Do you feel a little unsure of the good governance practices and legal requirements of non-profit organizations? This session will help you better understand the benefits of and steps involved in incorporating your association and obtaining federal tax exemption status. We'll also review other tax matters important to non-profit organizations, plus fundraising and financial management tips.
Presenter: Bruce Mayer, Wegner LLP, CPAs & Consultants

Can You Risk It? Insurance Matters for Lake Organizations

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Wisconsin lake organizations are facing more difficult and complex issues and management decisions including matters of risk management and insurance coverage. Whether your lake organization focuses on social activities and community events, or operates weed harvesters and dams, insurance likely has a place in your business plan. This session will explore some of the basic principles of insurance, help you understand what to be concerned about, and help you decide if your organization needs insurance. An insurance agent familiar with the activities of Wisconsin’s lake organizations will walk us through an assessment of risks and liability exposures lake groups may face, the types of insurance protections available, and how to pick the proper insurance coverage for your group.
Presenter: Rob Krohlow, The Horton Group

Working with Citizens for Healthy Shorelands

Building the Wisconsin Volunteer Naturalist Program

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Wisconsin natural resource scientists and educators want to develop a Wisconsin Volunteer Naturalist Program (WIVN) to recruit and train a cadre of volunteers to conduct environmental education and stewardship activities, and to assist researchers with data collection. WIVN will develop a corps of well-informed volunteers dedicated to education and service within their Wisconsin communities, much like the Master Gardener Program. A statewide, core curriculum will introduce WIVN volunteers to basic natural history information, and ecosystem concepts and dynamics. Those volunteers will then provide a minimum of 40 hours per year of service. WIVN is still in the planning stages. This session will provide an overview of planning efforts past and present, and of our work plan for the future. It will also provide an opportunity to voice your ideas and concerns, and to get involved.
Presenter: Kate Reilly, Environmental Education Specialist & Outreach Program Manager, Environmental Resource Center, UW-Extension

Native Plant Groupings That Work

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Partnering with nurseries and landscape professionals on native plantings that work can be a challenge. Matching native plant options to landowner desires, site characteristics like soil, moisture conditions, and aspect, as well as to concerns such as wildlife habitat and water quality protection, takes an ecological eye, a responsive ear, and an accomplished planner. Come to this session to learn from a pro.  Brent has decades of experience in working with landowners from throughout northern Wisconsin.  He will give you tips on identifying suitable native plantings that are attuned to your lake environment.  He will also make suggestions on partnering effectively with nursery or landscape professionals in order for you to get the most out of your project.
Presenter: Brent Hanson, Nurseryman/Restoration Consultant, Hanson's Garden Village LLC

Aquatic Invasive Species

NR40: Wisconsin's Invasive Species Identification, Classification and Control Rule

Tuesday 4:15-5:45 pm

Chapter NR 40, Wisconsin's Invasive Species Identification, Classification and Control Rule helps citizens learn to identify and minimize the spread of plants, animals and diseases that can invade our lands and waters and cause significant damage. Invasive species are non-native plants, animals and pathogens whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic, or environmental harm or harm to human health. Participants in this session will be introduced to the law, learn where they can find more information and learn how to implement a program which helps to inform others for the protection of Wisconsin's lakes, rivers and wetlands.
Presenter: Bob Wakeman, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources

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