Program & Course Design Support

CITL team members provide program and course development and design assistance to any instructors teaching UWSP courses.

CITL provides Program and Course Development and Design Support for any UWSP units, faculty, or instructors. Units wishing to create or revise new programs should take advantage of CITL's Program Planning and Development support, which can include development or revision of all courses in the program. Units wishing to revise existing programs can seek Program Revision support, which includes program evaluation and planning and course revisions. Additionally, faculty or instructors who would like support creating or revising individual courses are encouraged to take advantage of CITL's Course Design or Revision resources. CITL incorporates pedagogy, andragogy, and online teaching strategy support and coaching throughout the program and course design process.

The flowcharts linked below outline these processes.

Deans, academic units,
faculty, and administrators can review the
Program and Course Development Process and Timelines



Program Design and Development Process

The Program Planning and Development Process includes program planning, course design & development, and course revisions (optional).
Note that Course Design and Development and Course Revision are designed so that they can also be used separately from Program Planning.

Click or tap the cards to view the flowcharts and resources.

Program Planning informationCourse Design and Development informationCourse Revision information








Program Revision Process

The Program Revision Process includes program evaluation & planning and course revision. Course Revision is designed so it can
also be used alone.

Click or tap the cards to view the flowcharts and resources.

Program Evaluation and Planning Course Revision




Additional Offerings

In addition to the full Program and Course Design Support processes, CITL also offers Consultations and Course Design Shorts.

  • Consultations are available for academic units or individual faculty. Many consultations are available ranging from Program Development to Activity Development.
  • Course Design Shorts is an abbreviated course design or course revision process that lasts 6-8 weeks. During the Course Design Short Program faculty receive support to plan and align their entire course and to begin building the course in Canvas.