Course Design Shorts

This program is a modified course design or revision process which is modeled from CITL's full course design process. The Shorts also pull practices from CITL's Online Course Design Institutes. Course Design Shorts last six weeks. During the process, the author will work individually with a CITL team member and will be able to connect and share with other course designers.

Participants who successfully complete all required components with CITL staff will be eligible for $200 in CITL professional development funds.

Sign up to attend an upcoming session by completing the Course Design Shorts application.


Session Application Deadline​
​Spring 2nd Friday in February
4th Monday in February through April
(no meetings during spring break)
Summer June 1
3rd week in June through July
Fall 3rd Friday in September
2nd week of October through November

Program Goals

1. Participants will design the overall framework of their course using Backward Design principles, including:
  • Writing CLOs that are measurable, written from a student perspective, and aligned with course/program goals
  • Determining summative assessments that align with CLOs
  • Unpacking CLOs to identify learning steps that learners must achieve to be proficient at the CLO
  • Identifying content sources
  • Identifying formative assessments/learning activities
  • Aligning all the above for each CLO
2. Participants will identify how they will plan for the following:
  • Developing a positive course climate
  • Creating a positive, supportive instructor presence
  • Ensuring student engagement with the content, other students, and the instructor
  • Promote active learning
3. Participants will identify technologies they will use to help students achieve the CLOs.

4. Participants will design and build at least one Unit/Module/Section of their course including:
  • Creating a Sandbox Course in Canvas and importing the UWSP Online Course Template
  • Customizing the Start Here and Student Resources Modules (if necessary or desired)
  • Designing the entire First Unit including specific content, assessments, learning activities, and associated rubrics, resources, and materials

course design consultations


Anyone who would like to design or revise a course - available for all course modalities and instructors. This is a great opportunity for people who taught online during the pandemic, but who may not have had time to fully design the courses they offered online. Take advantage of Course Design Shorts as a chance to collaborate with an instructional designer to assess and update an existing course.


  • Meet with CITL staff weekly or biweekly (a minimum of four times).
  • Complete a CLO Alignment Worksheet.
  • Partially complete the Module or Unit Planning Worksheet, completing at least the Plan for Engagement, Plan for Feedback, Weekly Flow, and Module 1 Sections.
  • Create a Sandbox Course and build at least one full module based on their planning documents.


Part 1 (weeks 1-2)
  • Initial meeting with designer to start process
  • Complete Module 1 of Canvas course
  • Complete CLO Alignment Worksheet
  • Meet with designer

Part 2 (weeks 3-4)
  • Complete Module 2 of Canvas course
  • Complete Module or Unit Planning Worksheet through the first Module
  • Meet with designer 1or 2 times

Part 3 (weeks 5-6)
  • Complete Module 3 of Canvas course
  • Create Sandbox course in Canvas
  • Build Course Introduction Module, Student Support Module, and Unit 1 in Canvas
  • Meet with designer 1 or 2 times