Summer 2024 Marshfield & Wausau Tuition Rates and Fees

Fall 2024, Winterim 2025, and Spring 2025 Tution Rates​​

Select the appropriate tab for your Resident Status: 

 Wisconsin Resident Tuition

Students approved to take courses outside of their academic career will be charged at a higher per credit rate.

Each campus' tution plateaus separately.  Taking classes at multiple locations may result in tution calculation higher than the plateau rate.  

Tuition Rates exclude Segregated Fees

* Tuition Rates include Base Rate + Differential Tuition Rate

Plateau Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
6-9 Credits
​Tuition Rate **
Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *


5-8 Credits

​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Graduate Secondary Plateau - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below.
​10+ Credits
Tuition Rate
​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Per Credit Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
Credit Load

​Enrollment Status
Level Course**
Level Course**
Level Course**
​Per credit Rate (Under Plateau)

Less than 6 credits​​
Less than 6 credits 
​Less than 5 credits 

​Less than 6 credits 

Degree Seeking - Associate​
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking







Per Credit Rate (Over Plateau)
10+ credits​​
10+ credits
9+ credits

​10+ credits

Degree Seeking - Associate​
Degree Seeking - Bachelor
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking




​Online or Virtual Courses Assessed Additional $50.00 Per Credit Distance Education Fee
-See link under Additional Rates and Fees for more information

 Nonresident Tuition

Students approved to take courses outside of their academic career will be charged at a higher per credit rate.

Each campus' tution plateaus separately.  Taking classes at multiple locations may result in tution calculation higher than the plateau rate.  

Tuition Rates exclude Segregated Fees

* Tuition Rates include Base Rate + Differential Tuition Rate

Plateau Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
​6-9 Credits
​Tuition Rate **
Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *

5-8 Credits

​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Graduate Secondary Plateau - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below.
​10+ Credits
Tuition Rate **
​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Per ​Credit Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 

Credit Load

​Enrollment Status
Level Course**
Level Course**
Level Course**
​Per credit Rate (Under Plateau)

Less than 6 credits​​
Less than 6 credits 
​Less than 5 credits 

​Less than 6 credits 
Degree Seeking - Associate
​Degree Seeking - Bachelor *
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking



Per Credit Rate (Over Plateau)
10+ credits
10+ credits
9+ credits

​10+ credits

Degree Seeking - Associate
​Degree Seeking - Bachelor
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking




​Online or Virtual Courses Assessed Additional $50.00 Per Credit Distance Education Fee
-See link under Additional Rates and Fees for more information

 Minnesota Reciprocity Tuition

Students approved to take courses outside of their academic career will be charged at a higher per credit rate.

Each campus' tution plateaus separately.  Taking classes at multiple locations may result in tution calculation higher than the plateau rate.  

Tuition Rates exclude Segregated Fees

* Tuition Rates include Base Rate + Differential Tuition Rate

Plateau Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
6-9 Credits
​Tuition Rate **
Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *

5-8 Credits

​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Graduate Secondary Plateau - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below.
​10+ Credits
​Tuition Rate**
​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Per Credit Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
Credit Load

​Enrollment Status
Level Course**
Level Course**
Level Course**
​Per credit Rate (Under Plateau)

Less than 6 credits 
​​Less than 6 credits 
​Less than 5 credits 

​Less than 6 credits 

​Degree Seeking - Associate 
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking




Per Credit Rate (Over Plateau)
​​10+ credits
10+ credits
9+ credits

​10+ credits

Degree Seeking - Associate
​Degree Seeking - Bachelor 
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking




​Online or Virtual Courses Assessed Additional $50.00 Per Credit Distance Education Fee
-See link under Additional Rates and Fees for more information

 Midwest Student Exchange Tuition

Students approved to take courses outside of their academic career will be charged at a higher per credit rate.

Each campus' tution plateaus separately.  Taking classes at multiple locations may result in tution calculation higher than the plateau rate.  

Tuition Rates exclude Segregated Fees

* Tuition Rates include Base Rate + Differential Tuition Rate

Plateau Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
​6-9 Credits
​Tuition Rate **
Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *

5-8 Credits

​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Graduate Secondary Plateau - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below.
​10+ Credits
​Tuition Rate**
​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Per Credit Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 

Credit Load

​Enrollment Status
Level Course**
Level Course**
Level Course**
​Per credit Rate (Under Plateau)

​​Less than 6 credits 
Less than 6 credits
​Less than 5 credits 

​Less than 6 credits 

Degree Seeking - Associate
​Degree Seeking - Bachelor *
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking




Per Credit Rate (Over Plateau)
​​10+ credits
10+ credits
9+ credits

​10+ credits

​Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor 
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking



​Online or Virtual Courses Assessed Additional $50.00 Per Credit Distance Education Fee
-See link under Additional Rates and Fees for more information

 Return to WI Tuition

Students approved to take courses outside of their academic career will be charged at a higher per credit rate.

Each campus' tution plateaus separately.  Taking classes at multiple locations may result in tution calculation higher than the plateau rate.  

Tuition Rates exclude Segregated Fees

* Tuition Rates include Base Rate + Differential Tuition Rate

Plateau Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 
6-9 Credits
​Tuition Rate **
Degree Seeking - Associate
Degree Seeking - Bachelor *

5-8 Credits

​Degree Seeking - Graduate

Per Credit Rate - Per Credit Pricing is Assessed for Specialized Programs - See Program Rates Below. 

Credit Load

​Enrollment Status
Level Course**
Level Course**
Level Course**
​Per credit Rate (Under Plateau)

​​Less than 6 credits 
​Less than 6 credits 
Less than 5 credits

​Less than 6 credits 
Degree Seeking- Associate
​Degree Seeking - Bachelor *
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking







Per Credit Rate (Over Plateau)
​​10+ credits
10+ credits
9+ credits

​10+ credits

​Degree Seeking - Associate 
Degree Seeking - Bachelor 
Degree Seeking - Graduate

Non-Degree Seeking



​Online or Virtual Courses Assessed Additional $50.00 Per Credit Distance Education Fee
-See link under Additional Rates and Fees for more information

Program Rates - Per Credit Rate Outside of the Tuition Plateau
​Collaborative Degrees - Associate
​Per Credit Rate
​Online Associate of Arts and Sciences (UWX)

​Collaborative Degrees - Bachelor
​Per Credit Rate
Applied Computing, B.S.
Health Information Management & Technology, B.S.
Health and Wellness Management, B.S.

Service Based Pricing - Bachelor 
​Per Credit Rate
Nursing (Rn to BSN), B.S.N.

Collaborative Degrees - Graduate
Per Credit Rate
Applied Biotechnology, M.S.
Cybersecurity, M.S.
Data Science, M.S.
Healthcare Administration, M.S.
Health and Wellness Managment, M.S.
Information Technology Management, M.S.

Service Based Pricing - Graduate
​Per Credit Rate
Athletic Training, M.S.​
Applied Leadership and Decision-Making, M.B.A.
Community & Organizational Leadership, M.S.
Education, M.S.​
Family and Consumer Sciences, Graduate Certificate Program
Health and Wellness Coaching, Graduate Certificate
Natural Resources, M.N.R.
Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems, M.S.
Music Education, M.M.E.​
$452.00​ +
$675.00 +
$540.00 +
$450.00 +​
$540.00 +
$565.00 +
$540.00 +
$600.00 +
Service Based Pricing - Doctorate
​Per Credit Rate
​Educational Sustainability Doctorate, (Ed.D.)
Doctorate of Physical Therapy
$540.00 +

+ Assessed the Additional $50.00 Distance Education Service Fee per credit if instruction mode is online or virtual