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​University Service Award – Kathyrn McGarry, chemistry

Since arriving at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in 2016, Kathryn McGarry has projected her passion for inspiring a younger generation of scientists beyond classroom walls. For her efforts, the assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry was recently honored with a University Service Award.

As a recruitment liaison, McGarry coordinates efforts between her department and the Office of Admissions and Recruitment. These activities include taking part in ViewPoint Days and Admitted Student Days, a variety of communications to prospective students and their families and tours of the Chemistry Biology Building. This work helped result in a record class of incoming students in Fall 2020.

As a member and chair of her department's recruitment and retention committee, McGarry organized and presented Chemistry's STEAM Day workshop for middle school boys and girls. "Light, Chemistry, Action!" was well received by student participants. In addition, McGarry organized an event connecting her colleagues with high school educators to discuss opportunities for collaboration. The department built on these connections and hosted two visiting high school groups to conduct hands-on experiments in the Chemistry Biology Building.

McGarry serves as adviser for the Chemistry Club of UWSP, an active student organization. She has also served the Central Wisconsin Local Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS) as chair and chair-elect for the past four years. Through these positions, McGarry has organized chemistry seminars open to both members and the community. The ACS has also begun a webinar series to explain the science behind topics such as NASA's mission to Mars.

"Katie has been a great representative for our department in many service areas, including prospective student and community events," says Nate Bowling, professor and chair of the Department of Chemistry. "What she has volunteered to do has far exceeded any expectation we have for our faculty members. Her extraordinary efforts deserve recognition."

See also:

Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship  and Service Award - David Barry

Carolyn Rolfson Sargis Award - Tina Rajski

Excellence in Teaching Award - Lauren GantzKyle HerrmanKate KippErin Speetzen

University Scholar Award - Chris DiehmAlex Ingersoll

University Service Award - Jennifer CollinsShelly Janowski

Academic Staff Spirit of Community Service Award - Lisa Golda

Outstanding Work Performance Award - Janette Baumann, Corinna Neeb, Lisa Nelson, Heather Springer

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