Tutoring-Learning Center Locations

Collins Classroom Center

The Stevens Point Campus TLC is located in CCC 234, building number 7 on the campus map.


The STEM Drop-In Center is located in CBB 190, building number 44 on the campus map.

Marshfield TLC

UWSP-Marshfield TLC is located in the Hamilton Roddis Memorial Library, building number 3 on the campus m​ap.

Contact roleary@uwsp.edu or 715-898-6036. 

Wausau TLC

UWSP-Wausau TLC is located in the southeast corner of the Library.

Contact wautlc@uwsp.edu or 715-261-6148​.

To Meet with a Tutor:

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Contact Us

715-346-3568 tlctutor@uwsp.edu

Visit Us

Collins Classroom Center (CCC) 234
1801 4th Ave.
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Monday - Thursday:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Drop-in to Our Many Locations TLC at Marshfield TLC at Wausau Support the TLC