​Protect Yourself - Get the HPV Vaccine

Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) is a virus that is spread though intimate skin-to-skin contact, oral, anal, and vaginal intercourse. HPV does not discriminate. People of any gender identity and sexual orientation can get infected with HPV. It affects both male and female body parts.


​Whether or not you have been sexually active in the past, the HPV vaccine is recommended for people of any gender up to age 26.

The HPV Vaccine was approved by the FDA in 2014 and is safe and effective. Mild reported side effects include: pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, headaches, nausea, and/or dizziness. 

Get Vaccinated on Campus 

UWSP Student Health Service

  • $0 If age >19 and eligible for family planning waiver (contact Student Health Services to apply or for eligibility criteria)

  • $0 If uninsured - manufacturer program covers the fee

  • $192 per dose for those with insurance who are not eligible for family planning waiver option (if insured, patient may submit bill to insurance company for re-imbursement, however, Student Health Service cannot guarantee reimbursement)

​Each vaccine must follow the vaccine schedule to increase effectiveness:

Initial First Dose   >   Second Dose (1-2 months after first)   >   Third Dose (6 months after first)​ 

Other Options

  • Local pharmacies: cost and insurance coverage varies – please check with your local pharmacy and health insurance plan 

  • Primary Care Physician/Clinic: cost and insurance coverage varies – please check with your health insurance plan

​Student Health Service Hours

Monday - Friday 
7:45 AM - 4:30 PM


 Dezell Hall 

​Quick Links

 What is HPV?

• HPV in Female Bodies

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