HPV in Male Bodies
Human Papillomavirus Virus (HPV) in the male body can lead to genital warts and anal, penile, and oral cancer.
Protect Yourself & Your Partners
Condom use helps prevent sexually transmitted infections and reduce the Spread of HPV. Flavored Condoms are a fun way to have protected oral sex.
Condoms are available from the Reproductive Health Peer Educators. Contact them on Facebook
@RHPEofUWSP for more information
2. Get Tested (and have your partners get tested)
Sexually active individuals should get tested regularly for all
Walk-In STI testing in available at the UWSP Student Health Service on Thursdays from 11- 1
no additional cost when you sign up for the family planning waiver. Screening
is quick and confidential!
3. Get Vaccinated
The HPV vaccine is recommended up to the age of 26. Gardasil 9 protects against 9 strains of HPV most commonly associated with cancer and genital warts. Learn more by clicking on the “Get Vaccinated for HPV” tab.
Even if you have already been sexually active and may have been exposed to HPV, The Vaccine is still effective in protecting you against other types of HPV that can lead to genital warts and cancer
4. Limit your intake of alcohol and other substances
Consumption may affect your ability to make safe decisions about intercourse.
5. Consider Abstinence
Abstinence is 100% effective at preventing STIs including HPV.