A department
Distribution List Name consists of the DeptName followed by a “-“, followed by the appointment type, followed by the word “List” (examples provided below).
The DeptName is as close as possible to what is shown in DIMS.
A department
Distribution List email address is in the format "dl-" (for Distribution list), followed by the Department Abbreviation (DA) followed by the distribution list alias.
The Department abbreviation is used as the base for all email aliases for the department.
Distribution List Name
| Distribution List Email Address |
Accounts Receivable - Faculty/Staff List | dl-acctsrecfacstafflist |
English - Associated List
| dl-englassoc |
Dean of Students - All Staff List | dl-dosallstaff |
The Faculty/Staff list and Associated list are accessible through both the primary Outlook Global Address List and in the Address Book dropdown list.
Note: "DA" represents the department abbreviation. For example, for an Admissons list, substitute admiss for DA.
Department Sublists
The following lists are accessible through the Address Book dropdown list.
Note: "DA" represents the department abbreviation. For example, for an Admissons list, substitute admiss for DA.
Specialty Lists:
Note: "DA" represents the department abbreviation. For example, for an Admissons list, substitute admiss for DA.
Example: Department Distribution Lists for English
DeptName: English
Department Abbreviation (DA): engl