Health Promotion and Wellness

Health promotion and wellness professionals deliver scientifically based programs designed to help people improve the quality of their lives. Around the world, UW-Stevens Point is considered as the home of wellness. In fact, the National Wellness Institute was founded here and still maintains a close relationship with our academic program.

As a health promotion and wellness major at UW-Stevens Point, you’ll meet pioneers in the wellness movement who strongly believe in the concept of preventing, rather than treating, illnesses while embracing a healthy lifestyle that includes the seven dimensions of wellness.

Explore Career Opportunities in Health Promotion and Wellness

Graduates in the field of health promotion and wellness are employed in a wide variety of health-related careers. Whether located in a corporate, community, hospital or educational setting, professionals are actively involved in facilitating behavior change and promoting healthy lifestyles. Possible career options include:
  • exercise specialist
  • personal trainer
  • exercise physiologist
  • fitness manager
  • wellness center manager
  • health educator
  • community health specialist
  • wellness promotion director
  • youth sports instructor
  • lifestyle coach
  • behavior change specialist

Get Involved on Campus

You’ll have the chance to join the UW-Stevens Point student chapter of the National Wellness Institute (NWI), an organization specifically for pre-professionals in health promotion and wellness interested in gaining practical experience in health promotion programs.

During your journey in our program, you’ll get hands-on experience through practicums, working in our Health and Human Performance Lab as well as assisting with the student-run UW-Stevens Point Employee Wellness program. Students also work closely with expert faculty to execute the types of programs and tasks they will someday do as professionals.

Gain Experience Outside the Classroom

Health promotion and wellness student internship plans are designed to provide you with experiences in behavior-change facilitation, marketing and promotion, and organizational experience. We have compiled a list of more than 300 potential internship sites; view the Insights of Interns to learn more about their experiences.

In preparation for a diverse and global world, students are also encouraged to participate in one of our study abroad programs. Students can experience their profession in different cultures and contexts such as in ​​Nicaragua, Australia and the Cook Islands.

Meet Your Health Promotion and Wellness Professors

The faculty and staff members of the School of Health Sciences and Wellness are committed to developing professionals who study, promote and model lifelong wellness for individuals, families and communities, building a stronger, healthier community.

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