Student Conduct Process
The student conduct process at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is an integral part of the educational mission of the university. The University's student conduct system emphasizes the development of each student's acceptance of his/her own personal and social responsibilities. A compassionate and supportive approach to student conduct is employed whenever possible.
The University student conduct process is designed to provide and help maintain an atmosphere within the University community that is conducive to academic achievement. Severe disciplinary action against a student, such as separation, or expulsion, are considered and sanctioned when other remedies fail to meet the needs of the University's mission.
UW-Stevens Point recognizes its responsibilities to all members of the academic community - students, faculty, and staff, and the protection of personal and institutional rights and property is a primary focus of the student conduct process. The rules, regulations, procedures, and policies concerning student rights, responsibilities, and student conduct and discipline are found below.