
Medical Amnesty

Your safety, and everyone's safety, is our first priority. Call for help and get the support you or a friend might need. 

The Facts

  • Alcohol related unintentional injuries are a leading cause of death among young people in the United States.
  • A Cornell University study concluded that while 19% of college students reported that help probably should have been called for a highly intoxicated individual they were with, only 4% actual made the call.
  • Sixty-eight percent (68%) of teens report they fear getting in trouble and being cited by law enforcement when they drink.​

Wisconsin Good Samaritan Statute

"Any person who renders emergency care at the scene of any emergency or accident in good faith shall be immune from civil liability for his or her acts or omissions in rendering such emergency care."

To read Wisconsin's Statute: Wis. Stat 895.48(1)

Protection for Victims of Crime

Wisconsin law also prohibits issuing citations for alcohol beverages violations to certain underage victims in connection to sexual assault or certain other crimes and prohibits certain disciplinary sanctions if the underage person is a student. 

To read Wisconsin's Law: 2018 Wisconsin Act 279

Student Organizations

Recognized Student Organizations are required to know and abide by the Alcohol Policy for organizations. 

Additionally, student organizations are required to seek immediate medical assistance for their members or guests when any potential health risk is observed, including medical emergencies related to the use of alcohol and/or drugs. 

Organizations that seek immediate assistance from appropriate sources will not be charged with violations of the Alcohol Policy for Registered Student Organizations or other institutional policies. The organization will be required to complete educational programming and/or risk management training. 

The organization may be held accountable for other violations of University policies related to the incident (e.g. endangering the health or safety of others, etc.). It is imperative that student organizations seek medical assistance for their members or guests in such an emergency situation.

The failure to seek needed medical assistance may result in enhanced sanctions.

UW-Stevens Point Medical Amnesty Policy

If a student seeks assistance from University officials (e.g. residence hall staff) or seeks medical attention due to a level of intoxication or drug use which reasonably appears to create serious risk to the individual, the University will respond and assist the student in need.

Also, students who actively assist in obtaining assistance / medical attention for the individuals who are highly intoxicated, will not receive disciplinary sanctions, BUT may be required to complete an educational experience, for violations of University and/or Residential Living policies.

In lieu of disciplinary sanctions under UWSP Chapter 17 - Non-academic standards and disciplinary procedures, the intoxicated student (and possibly an assisting student) will be required to meet with a staff person (e.g. Hall Director, Assistant Dean of Students), who may issue educational requirements such as a alcohol or drug education course. The student will not be responsible for costs associated with educational interventions.

Serious or repeated incidents will prompt a higher degree of concern and response. Failure to complete education assignments or other recommendations issued under this policy will normally result in disciplinary action.

This policy does not preclude disciplinary sanctions due to any other violations of University policy. Likewise, this policy does not prevent action by University Police and Security Services or other law enforcement personnel.

The UW-Stevens Point Medical Amnesty Policy applies to alcohol and drug related emergencies and is not intended to provide relief from legal consequences or administrative discipline in relation to serious crimes, to include but not limited to: all forms of assault, theft, property damage, and distribution of illicit substances.

NOTE: Relief from disciplinary action will not be granted to students who do not seek medical assistance. Students who are confronted by University Staff (e.g. RAs, Hall Directors, University Police) will be addressed under the normal student conduct process and applicable laws.

University Police

The UW-Stevens Point Police and Security Services fully support the Medical Amnesty Policy. While the policy only provides for consideration in relation to violations of UW-Stevens Point policies (does not grant relief from civil, criminal, or other legal consequences for violations of local, state, or federal law), University Police and Security Services will take into consideration the totality of the circumstances in rendering a decision on formal legal action (i.e. issuing a citation).

These circumstances will be consistent with the overall Medical Amnesty Policy, to include but not limited to:

  • health and safety of the student
  • the cooperation of the student and/or witness
  • past contacts with University Police and Security Services
Unless extenuating circumstances are present, a citation relating to alcohol or drugs will not be issued to someone seeking assistance or to the person(s) assisting them.