9:00 Conference Welcome
Ismaila Odogba, UWSP Center for the Small City, and Joshua Hagen, Dean of the College of Letters & Science (COLS), University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
9:05-10:20 am Demographic Perspectives on Small Cities
Moderator: Margaret Bau, Cooperative Development Specialist, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Robert Enright and David Chunyu, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
"What the 2020 Census Reveals about Population Change in Rural Wisconsin Counties"
Ryan Michalesko, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
"Geospatial Analysis of 2020 Census Race Data in Wisconsin"
Todd W. Johnson and Neil Klemme, University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UW-Extension)
"Empowering Youth to Transform Communities"
10:25-11:40 am Housing and Transportation
Moderator: Bo DeDeker, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Nathan Sandwick and Sherry Daniels, UW-Extension (Portage County, WI)
"Origins of Housing Stress: Decision Time for Inclusive Growth"
Ankita Gupta, Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
"Political Economy of Infrastructure: Roads and Highways in Himachal Pradesh"
Max Seeley, Illinois State University. "Transit-Oriented Development"
1:00-2:15 pm Featured Speaker: Craig Thompson, Secretary, Wisconsin Department of Transportation
"Infrastructure Needs in Wisconsin: Present Demands and Future Prospects"
Speaker Introduction: Craig Wendorf, Assistant Dean, School of Behavioral & Social Sciences, COLS, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
2:20-3:35 pm Local Governments & Infrastructure: A Roundtable Discussion
Moderator: Ed Miller, UWSP Center for the Small City
Zach Vruwink, City Administrator, Rhinelander, WI; Martin Shanks, City Administrator, Oregon, WI; and Ryan Kernosky, Director of Community Development, Stevens Point, WI
3:40-4:55 pm Social and Economic Development
Moderator: Robert Wolensky, UWSP Center for the Small City
Julie Lassa, Wisconsin State Director, U.S. Department of Agriculture, "USDA's Investment in Rural Infrastructure in Wisconsin;" and Eric Berg, USDA-Fond du Lac, "The Community Facilities Program"
John Kovari, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse
"Best Practices in Using Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) for Building Infrastructure"
Harry J Magee, Child Psychiatrist, "How to Improve the Social and Political-Economic Determinants of Mental Health in Small Cities and Rural Areas"
Todd W. Johnson and Myles Alexander, University of Wisconsin-River Falls (UW-Extension)
"Creating a Shared Vision During a Pandemic: A Story of Collaboration"
IMPORTANT NOTE: The 23rd Conference will be conducted via Zoom. Use this link to join the Conference: https://wisconsin-edu.zoom.us/j/96729610369; Meeting ID: 967 2961 369
Break Out Sessions
22nd Conference on the Small City & Regional Community
October 16-17 2019
Theme: Population Dynamics
Implication for Small Cities, Towns, and Rural Areas
A Call for Proposals!
Conference organizers are now accepting proposals from researchers, applied professionals, government officials and staff, business leaders, citizens, students, and others on topics such as:
Health Care
Family Life
- Environmental Sustainability
- Education
- Community Economics
- Workforce Development
- Local Government
- Criminal Justice
- Ethnic and Race Relations,
- Politics and Elections
- Housing, Land Use
- Civic Engagement
- and other topics related to population
Deadline for proposals: June 30, 2019
The UWSP Center for the Small City
40th Anniversary • 1979-2019
(The Center Co-directors are happy to discuss proposal ideas)
Proposals and Inquiries can be sent to one of the Center’s Co-directors:
Past Conferences
21st Conference: Criminal Justice And the Small City
October 19-20
The 21st Small Cities Conference will be held at Winona State University, Winona, Minn. to discuss
key issues in criminal justice for small cities. The event is co-organized by the Winona State University Department of Sociology and The Center for the Small City at University if Wisconsin -Stevens Point
Keynote Speaker
John Shook, former Federal Prison Wardon and facutly at University of Dubuque
"Corrections and the Small City: Practices, Challenges, and Potential"
Featured Speaker
Susan Riseling, President International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators and retired Chief of Police at University of Wisconsin-=Madison
"In/complete Tust: Building Community Trust in Law Enforcement"
Wed. Oct., 19
5 pm - 6 pm Registration
6pm to 7:00 pm Dinner Roundtables
7:00 pm--8:30 pm Keynote Address John Shook
Thursday, Oct. 20
8:30 am -9:20 am Registration and Coffee
9:30 am-9:45 am Welcome
10:00 am-11:20 am Breakout Sessions
12:30 pm-1:50 Featured Speaker Susan Riselig
2:00 pm - 3:20 pm Breakout Sessions
3:30 pm -4:50 pm Breakout Sessions
Working as Force Multipliers Using SEALs Approach
Working with the Transgender Community
Alcohol, Drug Use, and Recovery
The Trempealeau County, WI. Recoverty Court: A Case Study
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
Tansgender, Minority, and Women's Rights and Experiences
Women and the Criminal Justice System
Local Elected Prosecutors: Practice and Promise in Crininal Justice
Service the Public: Issues and Approaches
Tuesday & Wednesday October 19-20, 2016
The 20th Conference on the Small City and Regional Community
“Re-imagining Public Engagement: Civic
Participation in Local Governance”
October 6, 2015- October 7, 2015
Location: University of Wisconsin-Marathon County
UW Center for Civic Engagement
625 Stewart Avenue
Wausau, WI 54401
Sponsors: Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service.
Center for the Small City, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Ministry Health Care
North Central Regional Planning Commission
Scherrer Construction