Lake Leaders Institute Resources
http://grants.library.wisc.edu/index.html - UW-Madison Grants Information Collection, a cooperating collection of the Foundation Center library Network
Non-profit Guides - Free grant-writing tools to assist established non-profits through the grant writing process
Proposal Writing Short Course - from the Foundation Center. A systematic outline of the elements of a proposal and how to address them; includes good approaches to evaluation plan and sustainability.
Show Me the Money - from Education World. Grant writing tips and resources
http://wisconsinnonprofits.org - Wisconsin Nonprofits connects nonprofit managers to a world of resources.
http://www.snpo.org/lino/index.php - Society for Nonprofit Organizations: The learning Institute for nonprofit organizations.
http://www.hesselbeininstitute.org/knowledgecenter/journal.aspx - Leader to Leader, the Institute's award-winning quarterly journal, offers cutting-edge thinking on leadership, management, and strategy written by today's top thought leaders from the private, public and social sectors.
http://www.ehow.com/how_5935194_write-letters-local-government.html - How to Write a Letter to Your Local Government
Crew 12 - 2018
Crew 11 - 2016
Crew 10 - 2014
Crew 9 - 2012
Crew 8 - 2010
Crew 7 - 2008
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