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​     Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute


Enhancing Wisconsin's lake resources through 
leadership, training, and civic engagement.

The Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute is a leadership program that enhances the skills and broadens the capabilities of people in our lake communities to champion effective and communicative collaboration with the goal of protecting and managing our lakes.

Crew 15 - Coming soon in 2024!

The nomination window is now closed. If you were nominated for Crew 15, you should have received an invitation to complete an application. If not, please reach out to​ before March 1.

​Crew 15 Session Dates and Locations:​
  1. May 15-16, 2024                       Semin​ar I –  Daycholah Center, Ripon, WI; Society and Environment: Philosophy and Ethics of Lake Management
  2. Sept. 10-11, 2024                  ​​   Seminar II – Kemp Natural Resources Station, Woodruff, WI; Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Management:
                                                      Impact of Development on Lakes
  3. Oct. 17-18, 2024                       Seminar III – Durward’s Glen, Baraboo; Organizations, People, and Politics, Graduation Ceremony at the Aldo
                                                      Leopold Shack

Crew 14

Twenty-two individuals recently graduated as Crew 14! Congratulate them by visiting this Facebook post

Questions? Contact Sara Windjue at or 715-346-3212.

​​Our Mission

​​​Protecting in Partnership Our Legacy of Lakes


Our Values

  • An educated public is supportive of sound lake decisions

  • Everyone has a part to play and is welcome to help protect lakes

  • Lake management decisions should be science driven

  • All lake users should have the opportunity to participate in lake management actions


The Wisconsin Lake Leaders Institute

Recipient of the National Fish Habitat Action Plan Outreach and 
Educational Achievement Award in support of Fish Habitat Conservation - 2009

Copyright © 1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point and University of Wisconsin Board of Regents