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Crew 8 Seminar III

Organizations, People and Politics

Devil's Head Resort and Leopold Legacy Center, Baraboo, WI       October 20-21, 2010
Seminar III Pre-Reading List
Seminar III Speaker List

Wednesday Morning - Devil’s Head Resort

Welcome and Seminar III Overview  
Patrick Goggin, UWEX Lakes
Carroll Schaal, Lakes Teamleader WDNR
Examples of Lake Leadership a Facilitated Discussion
Patrick Goggin, UWEX Lakes
Earl Cook, Wisconsin Association of Lakes
Using Your Ecological Knowledge and Human Dimension Insights
Link: Joe McDaniels and the Lake Tomah story
Link: Lisa Conley
Citizen Involvement: A Potpourri
Working With Town Government
Richard J. Stadelman, Executive Director, Wisconsin Towns Association
Working With Town Government

Wednesday Afternoon

What Your Land & Water Conservation Dept. Can Do for Your Lake
Patricia Cicero, Jefferson County Land and Water Conservation Dept
County Land & Water Conservation Departments: Statewide Perspective and Emerging Issues
Julian Zelazny, Executive Director, Wisconsin Land and Water Conservation Association
County Land & Water Conservation: Statewide Perspective and Emerging Issues
Working with State Government from an Agency’s Perspective
Paul Heinen, WDNR Policy Initiatives Advisor
Water Law in Wisconsin
Michael Cain - Attorney, Madison
Wisconsin's Public Trust Doctrine

Wednesday Evening

The Evolution of Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic and its Relevance in the 21st Century through the Leopold-Pine Island Important Bird Area  
Steve Swenson, Ecologist, Aldo Leopold Foundation  

Thursday Morning - The Aldo Leopold Legacy Center

Introduction to the Leopold Legacy Center
Anna Hawley, Education Assistant, Aldo Leopold Legacy Center
Working with State Government from the Legislature's Perspective
Spencer Black, 77th Assembly District, Chairman-committee on Natural Resources, Wisconsin State Legislature

History and Future of Citizen Involvement in Environmental Decision Making
Christine Thomas, Dean of the College of Natural Resources, UWSP and Former Chair of the Dept. of Natural Resources Board
History and Future of Citizen Involvement in Environmental Decision Making

Thursday Afternoon

Leopold Shack Tour
Mel Vollbrecht, WDNR
Earl Cook, President-Board of Directors, Wisconsin Lakes
Eric Olson, Director, UW-Extension Lakes
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