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​Which type of lake association is right for your lake?


Principal Differences Between Incorporated Lake Associations, Qualified Lake Associations, and Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation Districts  


Incorporated Lake Association ​ Qualified (incorp.) Lake Association ​ ​Public Inland Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
​Statutory Authority ​Ch. 181, Wis Stats ​Ch. 281,181 Wis Stats. ​Ch. 33 Wis Stats.
Formation ​1. File Articles of Incorporation.
2. Draft bylaws
​1. File Articles of Incorporation.
2. Draft bylaws with specific statutory criteria set forth.
1. Landowner petition to county or town board.
2. Resolution of city council or village board.
3. Conversion of a town sanitary district.
Principal Means of Financing Activities ​ -membership dues

​-membership dues
-state grants/other grants

-property tax levy
-state grants/other grants

​Assoc. should designate one or more lakes.

Specific boundaries are not required.

Assoc. should designate one or more lakes.
Specific boundaries are not required
Boundaries may include part of lake, entire lake, more than one lake.
Boundaries are strictly defined.
General Management Powers (pursuant to statutory guidelines)

Not an exhaustive list of powers
*with permit from DNR
​An incorporated lake association has power to:
acquire property, borrow money, invest money, contract for aquatic plant removal, purchase sensitive areas, improve fish habitat*, stock fish*, and maintain lake access.
Powers are same as qualified lake assoc.
(s. 181.04 Stats.)
A qualified lake assoc. has power to:
acquire property, borrow money, invest money, apply for and receive grants, contract for aquatic plant removal, purchase sensitive areas, improve fish habitat*, stock fish*, and maintain lake access.
Powers are same as incorporated lake assoc.
(s. 181.04 Stats.).
A lake district has power to:
sue and be sued,
make contracts, take out loans, levy taxes, special charges, accept grants, state aid, monitor water quality, survey lake users, harvest or treat aquatic plants and dredge, adopt boating ordinances (s. 30.22 Stats.)
Additional Powers
Public inland lake
districts have authority to assume powers of sanitary districts.
*Districts may not exercise these powers within territory of existing sanitary district
(s. 33.22(2m), s. 60.77 Stats.)
-authority to require the inspection of private sewage systems, fix and collect charges for solid waste collection, disposal, sewage service and water service.
-authority to enact ordinances to implement powers.
-authority to provide chemical or mechanical treatment of waters to treat swimmers� itch, algae.
Governance ​ ​Board of directors and association membership ​Board of directors and association membership ​Board of commissioners and electors at annual meeting.
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