Unit 1: Exploring Renewable Energy

Section E: Renewable Energy Use Throughout the World

Renewable Energy is used throughout the world because of its convenience and availability. Many countries do not have access to oil, coal, or natural gas, but the sun and wind is idely available. This page shows a wide variety of unique and innovative uses of renewable energy.

This page links to different renewable energy uses and events that occur around the world. Click on the red dots to explore the world of renewable energy!

Renewable World

Renewable World

Wind turbines in Spain, geothermal in Iceland, solar panels in Guatemala, it doesn't take long to see that renewable energy systems are being used all over the universe from monasteries to the space shuttle missions!

Renewable energy systems vary greatly however in their application due to site restrictions and the needs of each user. Socio-political structures can also have a significant impact on how the use of renewable energy is implemented.

Exploring renewable energy use world-wide helps students realize the potential impact that such technology or foresight can offer all citizens of the world. Whether helping promote energy independence from a foreign oil company or to prevent a long walk to pick firewood for a stove, renewable energy offers various solutions to human needs for energy.

Below are some links to get you and your students started in exploring new or additional renewable energy organizations around the world. Have fun exploring renewable energy!

Renewable World Examples:

Costa Rica Flag

Costa Rica is 99% Powered by Renewable Energy: 

United States of America Flag

U.S. backs loans to build world's largest solar power complex: 

India Flag

Ambitious Solar Plans Unveiled by India

Canada Flag

The Canadian Renewable Energy Alliance. Its purpose is to increase the understanding of renewable energy to accelerate the development and commercialization of renewable energy technologies. They also share success stories, projects, programs and publications concerning all types of renewable energy in Canada.

China Flag

China plans renewable energy center: 

Tibet Flag

300,000 rural Tibetans benefit from renewable energy: 

South Korea Flag

South Korea Utilities Target $1 billion for Renewable Energy

Japan Renewable Energy Policy Platform Launched toward 2050:

United Kindgom Flag

UK: British Renewable Energy Awards 2013: 

Australia Flag

Australia: Opposition seeks fast forward on renewable energy:

Denmark Flag

Denmark's Wind of Change: 

Spain Flag

Spain Sets Wind Power Generation Record: 

Philippines Flag

Philippines: RP shows way in renewable energy: 

New Zealand Flag

New Zealand Commits to 90% Renewable Electricity by 2025:

Thailand Flag

Thailand Looks at Nuclear Power as Part of Alternative Energy Plans: 

Finland Flag

Finland Could Community Energy Be Part of Finland's Transition to a Low Carbon Future? http://www.theenergycollective.com/sussexnrggroup/2416743/community-energy-part-finlands-transition-low-carbon-future

Norway Flag

Norway Norway Investments in Renewable Energy 'Could Change the World' 

Scotland Flag

Scotland: Exclusive: Is the reputation of Scottish offshore wind on the line?

Ireland Flag

Sustainable Energy Ireland Commences Wave Energy Monitoring: 

Netherlands Flag

Netherlands: Dutch airports soar on wind energy pledges:

Mali Flag

Mali Recieves $1.5M from Scaling-Up Renewable Energy Program

Kenya Flag

Kenya's Electricity Generation Company - KenGen 

Mexico Flag

Mexico: The Future of Renewable Power in Mexico

Guatemala Flag

Guatemala Considering 200 MW Geothermal RFPin 2016

Israel Flag

Remote Region Spearheading Israel's Renewable Energy Revolution: 

Congratulations! You have completed Unit 1: Exploring Renewable Energy


Go back to Section D: Activity - Over the Years


Continue on to Unit 2: Renewable Energy Use in Your Life
