All forms of cash should be physically protected through the use of vaults, locked cash drawers, cash registers, locked metal boxes, etc. Safeguards must be in place not only when cash is located in department areas, but also when cash is in transit.
Cash in transit shall be safeguarded by a tamper resistant bag (i.e. locked bag) or locked cash box, and transported in an inconspicuous manner, such as a campus envelope or in a backpack or large bag. When transporting currency and/or coin, unverified and unprepared for deposit, two individuals must make the transport. When transporting final deposits to the Bursar's Office, follow the directions outlined in section 5.C. Transporting Deposits to the Bursar's Office.
It is the responsibility of each cash handling unit to make whatever provisions are necessary to properly safeguard the cash in their area during working and non-working hours. Access to areas where cash is stored should be limited to only those individuals who need access, and have been designated to have access.
Generally, during non-working hours, any amount of cash on hand that exceeds $1,000 should be maintained in a locked/combination (burglar resistant) vault or safe. If a safe of this type is not available in your area, funds should be temporarily stored, with prior arrangements made, with the Information and Ticket Desk in the University Center or the Bursar's Office. During working hours, all forms of cash should be stored in locking drawers, cash registers, or locked cash boxes.
Combinations or keys to safes and other storage facilities should be restricted to the custodian of the cash and designated back up. Combinations or locks should be changed as necessary, and whenever a person with the combination or key is separated.
Credit card machines, receipts, and numbers should not be left unattended; they should be kept in an inaccessible area. Credit card numbers should never be emailed, stored on a computer or be kept in an unlocked area. Once processed, credit card numbers must be destroyed and should not be kept for future use. For additional information on credit/debit card security and safekeeping, review UWSP Payment Card Processing and Compliance Policy and review the Merchant Services web pages.