Accepting credit cards requires you to first complete the following before an account may be opened:
(1) Review the UWSP Merchant Requirements (see below).
(2) Review the Merchant Coordinator Responsibilities (bottom section on How to Start Accepting Credit Cards)
(3) Contact with an initial statement of interest and to discuss next steps.
To learn more about processing options, please see some preliminary information on the page: How to Start Accepting Credit Cards.
Steps for yearly review
(1) Credit Card Merchant Coordinator must complete an annual review. The annual review will include:
(a) PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ-A or SAQ-P2PE, will be provided, in your Teams Merchant folder, once created.)
(b) Verification of current business plan and card handling procedures. If there are any changes, complete the Merchant Account Change form.
(c) Review of device and staff lists for credit card processing.
(d) Confirm software inventory and list of devices with their location is up-to-date and is periodically inspected for tampering.
(e) Current list of employees with access to CHD – ensure list reflects the most current access needed and granted.
(2) Reconciliation of Funds
Submit the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire
UWSP Payment Card Processing and Compliance Policy
Merchant Account Change Form
Merchant Account Termination Form