Additional Mailbox

Departments, units and services are strongly encouraged to use an additional, shared email mailbox for office and role-related correspondence instead of individual UWSP accounts or personal email accounts.*  To request an additional email mailbox click here.

If you have already been granted access to a shared mailbox, see our Email  FAQs​ page for instructions on how to add that additional mailbox to your Outlook.

* Your official UWSP staff account should be used for all university business.  The use of non-UWSP accounts (gmail, hotmail, other business email, etc.) for any university business is strictly forbidden by UW-Stevens Point and UW-System policy and federal regulations regarding the handling of protected data. For more information, please see these e-mail safety tips or contact the UWSP Information Security Office.

A few reasons for using shared mailboxes

A department chair has retired and is traveling abroad with limited internet access. Opportunities to check email are infrequent at best. A time-sensitive communique regarding her old department arrives in her email but the email goes unread until a good connection is available - well past the department's deadline to respond to this important issue.

A coach has an appointment with the University for the fall term. The mailbox is then disabled until the next fall appointment.  The department uses an additional, shared mailbox based on the coach title or role, for better branding and to ensure continuity between past and current communications.

To request an additional mailbox click here.

Benefits of additional, shared mailboxes

  • Better customer service: designated staff members all help monitor office or role communications to provide quick and timely follow up.
  • Better branding: Use in brochure design, web pages, letter-head, email communication, campus phonebook, catalog, etc - wherever you may have been using a specific person's email address.
  • Retain history: maintain a consistent storage space for important correspondence.
  • Receive faster attention: display a professional "From" address sending and replying to emails. 

To request an additional mailbox click here.

Does an additional mailbox mean more work for me? 

Not at all. It should actually mean less by keeping email sent to the shared mailbox separate from your own. And no need for separate logins - Outlook gives you the ability to add additional mailboxes to your own Outlook profile.   It's very simple to both send and read mail from this additional mailbox. Visit our Email FAQs​ page to learn more. 

So how do I request an additional mailbox?

Please click here to request an additional mailbox Once the office/unit requests the new mailbox and designates which staff members should receive access permissions, instructions are sent from the Postmaster to all staff for whom permissions have been requested.

Have questions about additional mailboxes?  Please contact the Service Desk.​