Reading In the Disciplines

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What is Reading In the Disciplines?

Post-Secondary Learning (PSL) 109: Reading In the Disciplines is a one-credit, pass/fail discussion course attached to a parent-course, designed specifically to help you develop your abilities to deal successfully with the readings and lecture material in that parent-course.

How does Reading In the Disciplines work?

Collaboration is the key to successful Reading In the Disciplines group work. You meet once a week with a small group of fellow students and a trained Reading In the Disciplines undergraduate peer facilitator to go over class readings and lecture material.

What can Reading In the Disciplines offer you?

Reading In the Disciplines will take you deeper into your understanding of the parent-course. Here's how:

  • You will improve your understanding of the course material. You will get the opportunity to discuss the readings in depth under the guidance of a trained undergraduate peer facilitator.
  • You will explore your responses and reactions to course material. You will be meeting with the same students each week, allowing you to get to know others in your group and to ask questions in a safe and exploratory environment.
  • You will develop confidence in explaining and presenting your ideas in front of your peers and in classroom discussion. As the semester progresses you will have many opportunities to formulate responses and arguments within the discussion group which will make you a more confident participant in class discussion.

Fall 2024 Discussion Course Offerings

Students can add PSL 109: Reading In the Disciplines via accesSPoint. Groups begin Week 3 each semester. ​​​

** Additional courses will be added soon **​


Aligned Course Reading In the Disciplines Course
Day and Time Location Group Leader
​​History 102 (Jessee)

​PSL 109-03 (82318)
PSL 109-04 (82319)
Wednesday ​2:00pm
Tuesday 4:00pm
Virtual Classroom
Megan B.
​History 176 (Barker)

​PSL 109-05
PSL 109-06
PSL 109-W02
Virtual Classroom
Virtual Classroom
​Tessa W.
​​History 176 (Willis)
​PSL 109-07 (82330)
PSL 109-08 (82331)
Thursday 11:00am
Friday 10:00am
CCC 320
CCC 212
Ella H.
​History 279 (Prendergast)
PSL 109-11​
PSL 109-12
Sylvia L.
​History 288 (Willis)​
​PSL 109-13 (82332)
PSL 109-14 (82333)
Wednesday 1:00pm
Friday 9:00am​
​CCC 206
CCC 212
​Ella H.
​History 292 (​Harper)
​PSL 109-15
PSL 109-16
​Lucas G.


Aligned Course ​Reading In the Disciplines Course
Day and Time Location Group Leader
​Philosophy 100 (Horn)​
PSL 109-17 (82320)
PSL 109-18 (82321)
Monday 3:00pm
Tuesday 2:00pm
CCC 320
CCC 320​
Terrin L.
​​Philosophy 100 (Zinser)
​PSL 109-19 (82393)
​Wednesday 2:00pm​
​CCC 206
​​Sam B.​


Aligned Course Reading In the Disciplines Course
Day and Time Location Group Leader
​Psychology 110 (Ferguson)

​PSL 109-20 (82367)
PSL 109-21 (82368)
​Monday 11:00am​
Tuesday 2:00pm
​CCC 206
CCC 207
Gianna K.
​Psychology 110 (Nemeth)
​PSL 109-22 (82369)
PSL 109-23 (82370)
Monday 1:00pm
Thursday 2:00pm
​CCC 206
CCC 320​
Jaci A.
​Psychology 110 (Rueb)
PSL 109-24​ (82394)
PSL 109-25 (82395)​
​Tuesday 12:00pm
Wednesday 5:00pm
CCC 320
CCC 320
Abbie O.

Religious Studies​​

Aligned Course ​Reading In the Disciplines Course
Day and Time Location Group Leader
Religious Studies 100 (Whitmore)
PSL 109-27
PSL 109-28

Contact Information​

Amanda Meidl
Instructor of Record, Reading In the Disciplines
Tutoring-Learning Center​​​​​

To Meet with a Tutor:

Book an Appointment in Navigate

Book an Appointment

Contact Us


Visit Us

Collins Classroom Center (CCC) 234
1801 4th Ave.
Stevens Point, WI 54481

Monday - Thursday:
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.

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