UWSP/Balanced Body
Pilates Mat Instructor Training

Molly Jo Anderson

Through the Balanced Body Instructor Training Program I’ve experienced many benefits as a dancer, Pilates practitioner, and teacher. I've learned about my moving body in terms of its anatomical and energetic connections, and use this knowledge while teaching dance classes, taking professional class, and in my daily life.

While learning about my own body through the program I also learned a lot about other moving bodies, and specific conditions – such as osteoporosis, scoliosis, obesity and injury – that affect the body's ability to move.  This information has been extremely useful for me as a Pilates instructor as a number of my clients experience or have experienced these conditions. 

Through the Balanced Body Instructor Training I learned to execute all Mat I and II exercises, and gained the tools I need to become an effective teacher, including the benefits of offering group classes and individual clients verbal cuing, manual cuing, and imagery.  

Completing the Balanced Body Pilates Mat training opened job opportunities for me in Pilates and dance studios, because the knowledge this training provides is exemplary, and many employers in our field appreciate this achievement.  I'm currently teaching in the Chicagoland area at two dance studios, a charter school, and a Pilates studio. I'm grateful for all I’ve learned from the UWSP / Balanced Body Instructor Training program!