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If you are withdrawing from the university and are a residence hall student, here are the steps to take...

  1. Report to the office of the Registrar, located in the Student Services Building, SSC 101 (1108 Fremont Street), to complete the necessary paperwork to withdraw from classes, click here for more information. 

  2. Contact your RA to schedule a check-out appointment (if RA is unavailable, contact your hall director for instructions).   

  3. Return your text rental books to Text Rental, University Store. You must bring your PointCard with you. 

  4. Return any lab keys and or other materials or equipment to the appropriate department(s). 

  5. Pack your belongings and move them out of your residence hall room. 

  6. Clean your side of the room

    • Sweep

    • Vacuum 

    • Empty trash 

    • Remove recyclables 

    • Wipe down all surfaces 

Checking out of your room

  • You should allow 20-40 minutes for checking out of your room. During checkout, hall staff will review the room condition to determine if any damages have occurred during your stay in the room. If there are damages, you will be billed for these on a statement of charge form. Your room condition might be re-evaluated after you move out and if additional damages are found, you will be emailed and charged.​​

    If your roommate caused the damage and agrees to pay for them, then they will be billed. If neither of you admit to causing the damage, the cost(s) will be split between the two of you.  


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