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Steps in Reporting Attendance 

UWSP Attendance Roster Policy

Attendance Reporting Instructions in accesSPoint

The Attendance Roster is located the Faculty Center tile from the homepage in accesSPoint.  Attendance reporting is located in the Grade Roster.  Ensure that the Grade Roster Type displays the correct option.

With Regards to an online class: A student is considered to be enrolled in an online course if they complete an online learning activity within the timeframe for this process.  A simple log in is not adequate to determine attendance.  A post on a discussion board, completion of a quiz or assignments would be something that demonstrates participation in the class.

Attending Students
In the First Week Attendance Grade Roster, you will see a drop down box next to each student's name under Roster Grade.  If a student is attending class, you can leave this box blank.

Absent Students

  • If a student notified you that they will be absent - consider the student as attending.
  • If you have not been contacted about a student's absence - you may report the student as never attended. 
  • To report a student as Never Attended, you will choose "F0" from the drop down menu under Roster Grade.  
  • For students who stopped attending, use your best estimate to select the week of the student's last date of attendance.  F0 represents the student never attended.  The other "F" grades represent the week the student last attended.  For example, F3 means the student stopped attending the third week of class.  If a student who stopped attending begins attending your class again, please update your Attendance Roster (before the end of the term) so that the student is listed as "Attending."  

After entering all non-attending students, change the Approval Status to "Attendance Completed."


  • Only the instructor of record can report attendance information.

  • After you enter roster changes, always remember to update the Approval Status and click Save before exiting.

  • The Office of the Registrar will email all students reported as never attending for the first 8 days. 

  • Students are officially responsible for dropping their courses.  We are relying on faculty to report non-attending students, but if a student stops attending (and they were not reported as non-attending), the student needs to officially drop the course prior to the 10th week of the term. If the course is not dropped, grades of F will be assigned by the instructor.  

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