UWSP Career Fair - Employers

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Register your Company via Eventbrite here.

Connect with Paper Science and Chemical Engineering Students at the PS&ChE Department Career Fair who are looking for real-world experience. This late afternoon/evening session provides an opportunity for your company to meet students who are looking for a co-ops, internships, or permanent employment in the paper and chemical manufacturing industries.

The Career Fair is similar to a trade fair. When you register, you will have a designated table (or two) where students can visit and get to know you and your company while you seek potential employees for your company. In this informal setting, you will be able to meet many of our students and to arrange interviews with those that meet your hiring needs.   

Schedule in-person interviews with students who attend the Career Fair.  This gives your company the opportunity to interview students after meeting them at the Career Fair.  If you want to review students resumes on Handshake ahead of time, please feel free. We will have interview rooms available the day after the Career Fair, Tuesday, September 24th, 2024 from 8am-5pm as well as Wednesday, September 25th, 2024. There are a limited number of rooms and therefore, they will be filled on a first come/first served basis. Interview rooms need to be reserved on Eventbrite, they are listed as 'add-ons' to the table/booth that you are reserving. If these rooms become full we may have some options for interview rooms to be available during and the evening of the career fair itself.    

You may want electricity at your booth this fall, that will be an 'add-on' to your table/booth in eventbrite.  

Finally, if you would like to be a part of the Career Fair Scavenger Hunt, you can add this on to your table/booth as well in eventbrite.

Please note that participation in the fall UWSP Career Fair does not preclude you from contacting the Paper Science and​​ Chemical Engineering Department and arranging on-campus visits and interviews later in the school year. The Career Fair's purpose is to provide equal interviewing opportunities to as many companies as possible.

Email the Paper Science and Chemical Engineering Department  with any questions.

Benefits of Attending:

  • Quality - The Paper Science and Chemical Engineering students understand the importance of working hard and learning from their job experiences while in the program.

  • Timing - This Career Fair is timed especially for employers desiring a co-op for either the spring or fall semester as well as for interviewing juniors for a summer job and speaking with seniors for a permanent position.

  • Access - Through Handshake employers have access to students' qualifications, resumes, and experience; both current students and alumni. 

  • Cost - One table/booth is $400: Registration fee for one table includes one six-foot table, two chairs, a parking pass, and access to snacks and beverages provided by the PS&ChE Foudation. There are additional fees for a second table, interview rooms, and electricity.

Important Dates:

September 23rd, 2024: PS&ChE Department Career Fair in person, 4pm-7pm at the Dreyfus University Center, Laird Room, Stevens Point, WI.​

September 24th, 2024: Interview rooms have been set aside for Employers who wish to use them.  Interviews will be conducted on campus from 8:00am-5pm at a variety of buildings. This will be an add-on when you register.

September 25th, 2024: A smaller number of Interview rooms have been set aside for Employers who wish to use them this day.  Interviews will be conducted on campus from 8:00am-5pm at a variety of buildings. This will be an add-on when you register for a table.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the Difference Between a Co-op and an Internship?

What is the Average Wage a PS&ChE student makes in their Co-op, Internship or Entry-Level Positions? 

Thank you to all the companies who attended the 2023 PS&ChE Department Career Fair​ at UWSP in Stevens Point. Your time and support is greatly appreciated.
