Tight-fitting respirators can only provide expected protection if they fit correctly, so fit-testing each employee is critical.
There are two kinds of tests, and OSHA specifies which can be used depending on the respirator type.
- A qualitative fit test (QLFT) is pass/fail and relies on the employee’s senses utilizing a testing agent.
- A quantitative fit test (QNFT) uses an instrument to measure leakage around the face seal and produces a numerical result called a “fit factor.”
Once the medical evaluation is passed a fit test is initiated.
Call Marshfield Clinic at 877-962-2633 to schedule an appointment. The cost of the fit test is the responsibility of the department. Contact your supervisor for account information for billing.
Please review the following items to ensure a successful fit testing appointment:
- Bring your respirator to the appointment.
- Not eat, smoke, chew gum, or drink 15 minutes before testing.
- Not have any facial hair that interferes with the seal of the respirator on the day of fit testing. More information on facial hair can be found here.